Physical Setting - Science Worksheet Page 19


59 On the earthquake intensity map in your answer booklet, boundary lines have been drawn between the
Modified Mercalli intensity values of IV and V. On the map in your answer booklet, draw boundary lines
between the Modified Mercalli intensity values of V and VI. [
60 State the latitude and longitude of Savane Baptiste. Include the units and compass directions in your
answer. [
61 Haiti is located at a transform boundary between which two tectonic plates? [
Base your answers to questions 62 through 65 on the passage below and on your knowledge of Earth
Dinosaur Fossils
Bones of juvenile long-necked sauropod dinosaurs, Abydosaurus mcintoshi,
have recently been found in 105-million-year-old sandstone at the Dinosaur National
Monument in Utah. The remains of four individual dinosaurs were found, including
two intact skulls. This find is unusual because the softer tissue holding the thin
sauropod dinosaur skull bones together usually disintegrates, allowing the skull bones
to separate. Only 8 of 120 types of sauropods discovered have complete skull
specimens. These dinosaurs were herbivores, with large numbers of sharp teeth that
were probably replaced five to six times each year. These teeth allowed only for the
harvesting of plant material, but not for chewing it afterward. The plant-harvesting
teeth and long neck identify Abydosaurus mcintoshi as a descendant of the
62 On the timeline in your answer booklet, place an X on line AB to indicate the time when Abydosaurus
mcintoshi lived. [
63 Indicate the range of grain sizes in the type of bedrock in which Abydosaurus mcintoshi bones were found. [
64 Identify one group of organisms that was a likely food source for Abydosaurus mcintoshi. [
65 State a natural event that is inferred by most scientists to be the cause of extinction of the last of the
dinosaurs. [
P.S./E. Sci.–Aug. ’15


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