Physical Setting - Science Worksheet Page 18


Base your answers to questions 59 through 61 on the map of Haiti’s location and portion of the Modified
Mercalli Intensity Scale below, on the Haiti Earthquake Intensity Map in your answer booklet, and on your
knowledge of Earth science. The map shows the location of Haiti in the Atlantic Ocean. The Modified Mercalli
Intensity Scale describes the amount and type of damage caused by an earthquake on a scale from I to XII.
A portion of this scale is shown below. Modified Mercalli intensity values for the January 12, 2010, earthquake
in Haiti are represented on the Haiti Earthquake Intensity Map in your answer booklet.
Map of Haiti’s Location
North America
Atlantic Ocean
Pacific Ocean
South America
A Portion of the Modified Mercalli Intensity Scale
Description of Effects
Generally felt by people in motion, loose objects disturbed
Felt by nearly everyone; some dishes, windows broken
Felt by all; slight damage to ordinary structures
Damage rare in buildings of good design and construction; slight
to moderate in ordinary structures; considerable damage in poorly
built structures; some chimneys broken
Damage slight in specially designed structures; considerable
damage in ordinary substantial buildings with partial collapse;
damage great in poorly built structures; falling chimneys, columns,
monuments, walls
Damage considerable in specially designed structures; damage
great in substantial buildings, with partial collapse; buildings
shifted off foundations
Some well-built wooden structures destroyed; most concrete and
frame structures destroyed along with foundations
P.S./E. Sci.–Aug. ’15


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