Physical Setting - Science Worksheet Page 17


51 The passage states, “The cooler lake waters suppress cloud development…” because the water cools the
air above its surface. Explain why this cool air above the lake surface reduces the amount of cloud
development. [
52 Identify one weather variable that determines whether Buffalo receives rain or snow from a lake-effect
storm in October. [
53 On the map in your answer booklet, draw one straight arrow in Lake Erie to show the winter wind
direction most likely to bring the heaviest lake-effect snows to Buffalo. [
54 Explain why the Buffalo surface air temperatures increase faster and earlier in the year than do the surface
water temperatures of Lake Erie. [
Base your answers to questions 55 through 58 on the graph in your answer booklet and on your knowledge
of Earth science. The graph shows planet equatorial diameters and planet mean distances from the Sun.
Neptune is not shown.
55 In your answer booklet, place an X on the graph to indicate where Neptune would be plotted, based on its
mean distance from the Sun and its equatorial diameter. [
56 The diagram in your answer booklet represents Earth drawn to a scale of 1 cm = 2000 km. Centimeter
markings along the equatorial diameter of Earth are also shown on the diagram. On the diagram in your
answer booklet, shade in the space between the centimeter markings to represent the equatorial diameter
of Earth’s Moon at this same scale. [
57 Compared to the periods of revolution and periods of rotation of the terrestrial planets, how are the
periods of revolution and periods of rotation for the Jovian planets different? [
58 The center of the asteroid belt is approximately 404 million kilometers from the Sun. State the name of the
planet that is closest to the center of the asteroid belt. [
P.S./E. Sci.–Aug. ’15


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