Physical Setting - Science Worksheet Page 10


Part B–1
Answer all questions in this part.
Directions (36–50): For each statement or question, choose the word or expression that, of those given, best
completes the statement or answers the question. Some questions may require the use of the 2011 Edition
Reference Tables for Physical Setting/Earth Science. Record your answers on your separate answer sheet.
Base your answers to questions 36 and 37 on the diagram below and on your knowledge of Earth science.
The diagram represents four tubes, labeled A, B, C, and D, each containing 150 mL of sediments. Tubes A, B,
and C contain well-sorted, closely packed sediments of uniform shape and size. Tube D contains uniformly
shaped, closely packed sediments of mixed sizes. The particle size of the sediment in each tube is labeled.
0.005 cm
0.1 cm
0.3 cm
0.005–0.3 cm
(Not drawn to scale)
36 Water was added to each tube to just cover the sediments and the volumes of water added were recorded.
These data can best be used to determine the
(1) particle size of the sediments
(3) water retention of the sediments
(2) particle shape of the sediments
(4) porosity of the sediments
37 If tubes A, B, and C were set up to test for capillarity, the data would show that capillarity is
(1) greatest in tube A
(3) greatest in tube C
(2) greatest in tube B
(4) the same for tubes A, B, and C
P.S./E. Sci.–Aug. ’15


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