General Appearance And Waiver Of Summons - Oklahoma Page 4


vehicle, and to cooperate as necessary in the filing and processing of claims. Any employer provided health
insurance currently in existence shall remain in full force and effect for all family members.
14. In addition, you must provide the following documents to your spouse within thirty (30) days of
receiving this document:
Federal and State income tax return for each party for the past two (2) years and any nonpublic,
limited partnership and privately held corporate returns for any entity in which either you or your spouse has a
interest together with all supporting documentation for the tax returns, including but not limited to W-2 forms,
1099 forms, K-1 forms, Schedule C and Schedule E. If a return is not completed at the time of disclosure, you shall
provide the documents necessary to prepare the tax return of the party, to include W-2 forms, 1099 forms, K-1
forms, copies of extension requests and estimated tax payments.
Two (2) months of the most recent pay stubs from each employer for whom you worked.
Statements for the past six (6) months for all bank accounts held in the name of either you or your
spouse, individually or jointly, or in the name of another person for the benefit of either you or your spouse or held
by your or your spouse for the benefit of your minor child(ren).
Documentation regarding the cost and nature of available health insurance coverage for the benefit
of either you, your spouse or your child(ren).
Documentation regarding the cost and nature of employment or educationally related child care
expenses incurred for the benefit of your minor child(ren).
Documentation regarding all debts in the your name or your spouse’s name, individually or
jointly, showing the most recent balance due and payment terms.
If you cannot provide the items mentioned hereinabove, you shall provide a verified statement
under the penalty of perjury of what documents are missing and why you cannot provide those documents or that
information, and setting forth what efforts you have made to provide the information or documents. Should you
later discover or obtain he information or documents, you shall provide that information as quickly as possible.
Pursuant to 43 O.S. §110(A)(2)(b), the provisions of this Automatic Temporary Injunction can be waived -
if both parties agree. By my signature below, I waive the effectiveness of the foregoing Automatic Temporary
Injunction. I understand this waiver is not effective unless both parties have checked the boxes and signed below.
I hereby waive the following sections hereinabove:
 _____________________________________
 ___________________________________
Signature of Petitioner
Signature of Respondent


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