General Appearance And Waiver Of Summons - Oklahoma Page 3


WARNING: This is an official Court Order by operation of law. It affects your rights.
Read this Notice immediately and carefully. If you do not understand it, contact a lawyer
for help. Violation of this Order may be punished by fine and/or imprisonment.
Oklahoma Statutes (43 O.S. §110) provide that upon the filing of a Petition for Divorce or Legal Separation
by the Petitioner, or upon service of the Petition and Summons on the Respondent, or upon waiver and acceptance of
service by the Respondent, an Automatic Temporary Injunction shall be in effect against both parties until the
final decree is entered or the Petition is dismissed, or until further Order of the Court unless:
(a) both parties have signed their names below agreeing to waive these Automatic Temporary Orders; or
(b) within three (3) days after service of this Summons, a party files an objection and requests a hearing
with the Court.
This Automatic Temporary Injunction shall remain in force until the hearing by the Court.
Either party may apply to the Court for further temporary orders, an expanded temporary injunction, or
modification or revocation under 43 O.S. §110(A)(4).
1. Molesting or disturbing the peace of the other party or the child(ren) of the marriage.
2. Disrupting or withdrawing any child(ren) of this marriage from an educational facility, program, or day-
care where the child(ren) historically child(ren)been enrolled.
3. Hiding or secreting any child(ren) of this marriage from the other party.
4. Removing any child(ren) of this marriage beyond the jurisdiction of the State of Oklahoma, acting directly
or in concert with others, except for vacation of two (2) weeks or less duration, without the prior written
consent of the other party.
5. Selling, mortgaging, encumbering, transferring, loaning, giving away, concealing or in any way disposing
of, without the written consent of the other party or an order of the Court, any marital property, except:
in the usual course of operating a business;
for the purpose of retaining an attorney for the case; or
for the necessities of life.
Each party shall notify the other party of any proposed other expenditures, and shall account to the court for
all such expenditures made after this injunction went into effect.
6. Intentionally or knowingly damaging or destroying the tangible property of the parties, or either of them,
including but not limited to, any document that represented or embodies anything of value.
7. Making a withdrawal for any purpose from any retirement, profit-sharing, pension, death, or other
employee benefit plan or employee savings plan or from any individual retirement account or Keogh
8. Withdrawing or borrowing in any manner all or any part of the cash surrender value of life insurance
policies of either party or any of their children.
9. Changing or in any manner altering the beneficiary designation on any life insurance policies of either
party or any other their children.
10. Canceling, altering, or in any manner affecting any casualty, automobile, homeowners’, or health insurance
policies insuring the parties property or persons.
11. Opening or diverting mail addressed to the other party.
12. Signing or endorsing the other party’s name on any negotiable instrument, check, or draft, such as tax
refunds, insurance payments, and dividends, or attempting to negotiate any negotiable instruments payable
to either party without the personal signature of the other party.
13. Ordered to maintain and keep in force all presently existing health, property, vehicle, homeowner’s life and
other insurance which your are presently carrying on any member of this family unit, or property or


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