Ap Physics 1 Summer Assignment Worksheet Page 13


Part 7: Scalars and Vectors Preview
Hooray for the Internet! Watch the following two videos. For each video, summarize the content Mr. Khan is presenting
in three sentences. Then, write at least one question per video on something you didn’t understand or on a possible
extension of the elementary concepts he presents here.
Summary 1
Summary 2
That wasn’t so bad was it? Trust me… the blood, sweat, and tears it took to
Congratulations! You’re finished!
get through all of those problems will make everything later on a lot easier. Think about it as an investment with
a guaranteed return.
This course is a wonderful opportunity to grow as a critical thinker, problem solver and great communicator.
Don’t believe the rumors- it is not impossibly hard. It does require hard work, but so does anything that is
worthwhile. You would never expect to win a race if you didn’t train. Similarly, you can’t expect to do well if
you don’t train academically. AP Physics is immensely rewarding and exciting, but you do have to take notes,
study, and read the book (gasp!). I guarantee that if you do what is asked of you that you will look back to this
class with huge sense of satisfaction! I know I can’t wait to get started…
Let’s learn some SCIENCE!!!


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