The Irs Collection Process Publication 594 Page 7


The IRS Collection Process Publication 594
Page 7
Reasons we “release” a levy
If your property has been seized (“levied”) to collect tax owed by
you may appeal under the Collection Appeals Program or
someone else,
The Internal Revenue Code (IRC) specifically provides that we must
(within the time prescribed by law), file a claim under Internal Revenue
release a levy if we determine that:
Code section 6343(b), or you may (within the time prescribed by law)
You paid the amount you owe,
file a suit under Internal Revenue Code section 7426 for the return of
The period for collection ended prior to the levy being issued,
the wrongfully seized property. For more information, see Publication
It will help you pay your taxes,
4528, Making an Administrative Wrongful Levy Claim under Internal
You enter into an Installment Agreement and the terms of the
Revenue Code section 6343(b).
agreement don’t allow for the levy to continue,
How to recover economic damages
The levy creates an economic hardship on you, meaning we’ve
If our seizure was in error, your payment was lost or misplaced, or there
determined that you’re unable to meet basic, reasonable living
was a direct debit Installment Agreement processing error and you
expenses, or
incurred bank charges, we may reimburse you for charges you paid. For
The value of the property is more than the amount owed and
more information, see Form 8546, Claim for Reimbursement of Bank
releasing the levy won’t hinder our ability to collect the amount owed.
Charges. If your claim is denied, you can sue the federal government for
In addition, a levy on wages or salary must be released as soon as
economic damages.
possible if we determine that your tax isn’t collectible.
If we intentionally or negligently didn’t follow Internal Revenue law
We’ll also release a levy if it was issued improperly. For example, we’ll
while collecting your taxes, or you’re not the taxpayer and we wrongfully
release a levy if it was issued:
seized your property, you may be entitled to recover economic damages.
Against property exempt from seizure,
Mail your written administrative claim to the attention of the Advisory
Group Manager for your area at the address listed in Publication 4235,
Before we sent you the required notice,
Collection Advisory Group Addresses. If you’ve filed a claim and your
While you’re in bankruptcy and an automatic stay is in effect,
claim is denied, you can sue the federal government, but not the IRS
employee, for economic damages.
Where the expenses of seizing and selling the levied property would
be greater than the fair market value of the property,
Summons: Used to secure information
While an Installment Agreement request, Innocent Spouse Relief
request, or Offer in Compromise is being considered or had been
If we’re having trouble gathering information to determine or collect
accepted and is in effect, or
taxes you owe, we may serve a summons. A summons legally compels
While the Office of Appeals or Tax Court is considering certain appeals
you or a third party to meet with an officer of the IRS and provide
and the levy wasn’t a Disqualified Employment Tax Levy to collect
information, documents, and/or testimony.
employment taxes, a state refund, or jeopardy levy.
If you’re responsible for a tax liability and we serve a summons
Reasons we may return seized (“levied”) property
on you, you may be required to:
We may return your property if:
Its seizure was premature,
Bring books and records to prepare a tax return, and/or
Its seizure was in violation of the law,
Produce documents to prepare a Collection Information Statement,
Returning the seized property will help our collection of your debt,
Form 433-A or Form 433-B.
You enter into an Installment Agreement that doesn’t allow a levy,
immediately call the
If you can’t make your summons appointment,
We didn’t follow IRS procedures, or
number listed on your notice. If you don’t call us and don’t attend your
It’s in your best interest (as determined by the Taxpayer Advocate) and
appointment, serious legal action may be taken against you.
in the best interest of the government.
If we serve a third-party summons to determine tax liability,
If we decide to return your property but it’s already been sold, we’ll
receive a notice indicating that we’re contacting a third party. Third
give you the money we received from the sale. You can file a request for
parties can be financial institutions, record keepers, or people with
seized property to be returned, or we can return seized property on our
relevant information to your case. We won’t review their information
own initiative, generally up to 9 months after the seizure.
or receive testimony until the end of the 23rd day after the notice was
given. You also have the right to:
How to recover seized (“levied”) property that’s been sold
Petition to reject (“quash”) the summons before the end of the 20th
you (and anyone with interest in the
To recover your real estate,
day after the date of the notice, or
property) may recoup it within 180 days of the sale by paying the
Petition to intervene in a suit to enforce a summons to which the third
purchaser what they paid, plus interest at 20% annually.
party didn’t comply.
If we issue a third-party summons to collect taxes you already owe,
you won’t receive notice or be able to petition to reject or intervene in
a suit to enforce the summons.


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