The Irs Collection Process Publication 594 Page 6


Page 6
Reasons we may seize (“levy”) your property or rights to property
The federal payments that can be seized in this program include, but
aren’t limited to, federal retirement annuity income from the Office of
If you don’t pay your taxes (or make arrangements to settle your debt),
Personnel Management, Social Security benefits under Title II of the
we could seize and sell your property. We usually seize only after the
Social Security Act (OASDI), and federal contractor/vendor payments.
following things have occurred:
If we seize your house or other
We assessed the tax and sent you a bill,
Your house, car, or other property
property, we’ll sell your interest in the property and apply the
You neglected or refused to pay the tax, and
proceeds (after the costs of the sale) to your tax debt.
We sent you a Final Notice of Intent to Levy and Notice of Your Right
Prior to selling your property, we’ll calculate a minimum bid price.
to a Hearing at least 30 days before the seizure.
We’ll also provide you with a copy of the calculation and give you an
However, there are exceptions for when we don’t have to provide a 30­
opportunity to challenge the fair market value determination. We’ll
day notice before seizing your property. These include situations when:
then provide you with the notice of sale and announce the pending
The collection of the tax is in jeopardy,
sale to the public, usually through local newspapers or flyers posted in
A levy is served to collect tax from a state tax refund,
public places.
A levy is served to collect the tax debt of a federal contractor, or
After giving public notice, we’ll generally wait 10 days before selling
A Disqualified Employment Tax Levy (DETL) is served. A Disqualified
your property. Money from the sale pays for the cost of seizing and
Employment Tax Levy is the seizure of unpaid employment taxes and
selling the property and, finally, your tax debt. If there’s money left
can be served when a taxpayer previously requested a Collection Due
over from the sale after paying off your tax debt, we’ll tell you how to
Process appeal on employment taxes for other periods within the
get a refund.
past 2 years.
Property that can’t be seized (“levied”)
If we serve a levy under one of these exceptions, we’ll send you a letter
Certain property is exempt from seizure. For example, we can’t seize the
explaining the seizure and your appeal rights after the levy is issued.
following: unemployment benefits, certain annuity and pension benefits,
certain service-connected disability payments, workers compensation,
What you should do if your property is seized (“levied”)
certain public assistance payments, minimum weekly exempt income,
If your property or federal payments are seized, call the number on your
assistance under the Job Training Partnership Act, and income for court-
levy notice or 1-800-829-1040. If you’re already working with an IRS
ordered child support payments.
employee, call him or her for assistance.
We also can’t seize necessary schoolbooks and clothing, undelivered
Examples of property we can seize (“levy”)
mail, certain amounts worth of fuel, provisions, furniture, personal
If we seize
Wages, salary, or commission held by someone else
effects for a household, and certain amounts worth of books and tools
your rights to wages, salary, commissions, or similar payments that
for trade, business, or professions. There are also limitations on our
are held by someone else, we’ll serve a levy once, not each time
ability to seize a primary residence and certain business assets.
you’re paid. The one levy continues until your debt is fully paid, other
arrangements are made, or the collection period ends.
Lastly, we can’t seize your property unless we expect net proceeds to
Other payments you receive, such as dividends and payments on
help pay off your tax debt.
promissory notes, are also subject to seizure. However, the seizure
How to appeal a proposed seizure (“levy”)
only reaches the payments due or the right to future payments as
You can request a Collection Due Process hearing within 30 days from
of the date of the levy.
the date of your Notice of Intent to Levy and Notice of Your Right to
Seizure of the funds in your bank account will
Your bank account
a Hearing. Send your request to the address on your notice. For more
include funds available for withdrawal up to the amount of the
information, see Form 12153, Request for a Collection Due Process
seizure. After the levy is issued, the bank will hold the available funds
or Equivalent Hearing. At the conclusion of your hearing, the Office
and give you 21 days to resolve any disputes about who owns the
of Appeals will provide a determination. You’ll have 30 days after the
account before sending us the money. After 21 days, the bank will
determination to challenge it in the U.S. Tax Court.
send us your money, plus any interest earned on that amount, unless
If you don’t file a hearing request within 30 days, you’re not entitled
you have resolved the issue in another way.
to a Collection Due Process hearing, but you may be entitled to an
As an alternative to the levy procedure used
Your federal payments
Equivalent Hearing. The request for an Equivalent Hearing, however,
for other payments such as dividends and promissory notes, certain
doesn’t prohibit us from seizing and doesn’t suspend the 10-year period
federal payments may be systemically seized through the Federal
for collecting tax. In addition, you’re not entitled to a judicial review of
Payment Levy Program in order to pay your tax debt.
the decision from the Equivalent Hearing.
Under this program, we can generally seize up to 15% of your federal
payments (up to 100% of payments due to a vendor for goods or
If Collection Due Process rights aren’t available for your case, you may
services sold or leased to the federal government). We’ll serve the levy
have other appeal options, such as the Collection Appeals Program.
once, not each time you are paid. The one levy continues until your
debt is fully paid, other arrangements are made, the collection period
ends, or the IRS releases the levy.


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