The Irs Collection Process Publication 594 Page 2


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Who to contact for help
Filing a tax return, billing, and collection
The Internal Revenue Service (IRS)
Please don’t hesitate to contact us with any questions you may have.
Call the number on your bill or 1-800-829-1040. You can also visit your
After you file your tax return, we’ll determine if you owe taxes. If you
local IRS office to speak with an IRS representative in person.
owe, we’ll send a bill for the amount due, including any penalties and
Taxpayer Advocate Service (TAS)
interest. You’re required to pay this, so if you avoid payment, we can
The Taxpayer Advocate Service is your voice at the IRS. It helps taxpayers
take collection actions to recover your debt. Our goal is always to work
whose problems with the IRS are causing financial difficulties, who
with you to resolve your case before we have to take collection actions.
have tried but haven’t been able to resolve their problems with the IRS,
General steps from billing to collection
and those who believe an IRS system or procedure is not working as
it should. If you believe you’re eligible for Taxpayer Advocate Service
Most returns are filed annually (by April 15th)
You file your tax return.
assistance, call the toll-free number at 1-877-777-4778 or TTY/TDD
or quarterly.
1-800-829-4059. For more information, go to
Low Income Taxpayer Clinics (LITCs)
. If you owe taxes, we’ll send you a bill.
This is
Low Income Taxpayer Clinics are independent from the IRS. Some clinics
your first bill for tax due. Based on your return, we’ll
serve individuals whose income is below a certain level and who need to
calculate how much tax you owe, plus any interest
resolve a tax problem. These clinics provide professional representation
and penalties.
before the IRS or in court on audits, appeals, tax collection disputes,
and other issues for free or for a small fee. Some clinics can provide
. If you don’t pay your first bill, we’ll send you
information about taxpayer rights and responsibilities in many different
at least one more bill.
Remember, interest and
languages for individuals who speak English as a second language.
penalties continue to accrue until you’ve paid your
For more information and to find a clinic near you, see the Low Income
full amount due.
Taxpayer Clinics page on or Publication
4134, Low Income Taxpayer Clinic List. This publication is also available
. If you still don’t pay after you receive
by calling 1-800-829-3676 or at your local IRS office.
your final bill, we’ll begin collection actions.
Collection actions can range from applying your
Ways to pay your taxes
previous tax year’s refund to tax due to seizing your
property and assets.
To minimize interest and penalties, we recommend paying your taxes
in full. However, if you’re unable to pay in full, you can request an
Installment Agreement or Offer in Compromise. These payment plans
What you should do when you get an IRS bill
allow you to pay your taxes in installments over time, to pay less than
pay the full amount
If you agree with the information on the bill,
you owe, or both. Keep in mind it’s also important to stay current on
before the due date. If you can’t pay the full amount due, pay as
your payments for future taxes. This means making your estimated tax
much as you can, and immediately contact us to explain your situation.
payments, withholding payments, or federal tax deposits as necessary.
Based on your ability to pay, we may provide you with alternate
payment options.
Options for paying in full
call the number on
If you disagree with the information on the bill,
Pay with electronic funds transfer
the bill, or visit your local IRS office. Be sure to have a copy of the bill
For a convenient, secure way to pay, you can use the Electronic
and any tax returns, cancelled checks, or other records that will help us
Federal Tax Payment System (EFTPS). To enroll, visit
understand why you believe your bill is wrong. If we find that you’re
or call 1-800-555-4477. For more information, see Publication 966,
right, we’ll adjust your account and, if necessary, send a revised bill.
Electronic Choices to Pay All Your Federal Taxes.
f you don’t pay the amount due or tell us why you disagree with it,
Pay with your credit or debit card
we may take collection actions.
For a fee, you can pay by credit or debit card by using an electronic
please notify us
payment service provider. For more information on making a payment
If you’re involved in bankruptcy proceedings,
immediately. The bankruptcy may not eliminate your tax debt, but
using a credit or debit card, visit
we may temporarily stop collection. Call the number on your bill or


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