Cannot be a person who was selected to be your health care
agent or back-up health care
agent in PART ONE;
Cannot be a person who will knowingly inherit anythingfrom you
or otherwise htowingty
gain afinancial benefitfrom your death; or
cannot be a person who is directly involved in your health care.
only one of the witnesses may be an employee, agent, or medical
staff member of the hospital,
skilled nursingfacility, hospice, or other iealth caifacility
in which you are receivtng health care
(but this witness cannot be directly involved in youihealtiz
By signing below, I state that r am emotionally and mentally
capable of making this advance
directive for health care andthat I understand its purpose and effect.
The declarant signed this forrn in my presence or acknowledged signing
this form to me. Based on
mypersonal observation, the declarant appeared to be emotionally
andlentally capable of making
this advance directive for health care andligned this forrn willingly
and voluntarily.
Dated this:
Dated this:
A r{r{reoo
^s wv oo
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