Telephone Numbers:
(Home, Work, and Mobile)
Myhealth care agent will make health care decisions forme when I am unable to communicate
health care decisions or I choose to have my health care agent commuaicate my health
My health care agent will have the same authority to make any health care decision that I would
make. Myhealth care agent's authority includes, for example, the powerto:
Admit me to or.discharge me from any hospital, skilled nursing faclllty,hospice or other
health care facility or senrice;
Request, consent to, or witlhold, or withdraw any type of health care; and
Conkact for any health care facility or service for me, and to obligate me to pay for these
services (and my health care agent will not be financially tiable io, *y services
or care
contracted for me or on mybehalf).
My health care agent will be my personal representative for all pu4)oses of federal or state
related to privacy ofmedical records (including the Health Insurance Portabilitv and Acco'ntabili*,
Act of 1996) and will have the same access to my medical records that I have and can disclose
contents of my medical records to others for my ongoing health care.
My health caxe agent may accompany me in an ambulance or air ambulance if in the opinion
of the
ambulance personnel protocol permits a passenger and my health care agent may visit or consult with
me in person while I am in a hospital, skilled nursing facility, hospita! or other health care facility
or service if its protocol permits visitation.
My health care agent may present a copy of this advance directive for health care in lieu
of the
original and the copy will have the same meaning and effect as the original.
I understand that under Georgia law:
My health care agent may refuse to act as my health care agent;
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