Form 41a720-S47 - Schedule Kjra-Sp - Tax Computation Schedule - 2016 Page 2

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41A720–S47 (10–16)
Commonwealth of Kentucky
PURPOSE OF SCHEDULE—This schedule is used by
operations and activities of the approved company are
any pass–through entity which has entered into a tax
such that it is not practical to use a separate accounting
incentive agreement for a Kentucky Jobs Retention
method to determine the net income, Kentucky gross
Agreement (KJRA) project to determine the credit
receipts and Kentucky gross profits from the facility at
allowed against the Kentucky income tax and LLET
which the economic development project is located,
in accordance with KRS 141.402 on the income and
the approved company shall use an alternative method
Kentucky gross receipts or Kentucky gross profits from
approved by the Department of Revenue. A copy of
the project.
the letter from the Department of Revenue approving
the alternative method must be attached to this
Pass–through entities should first complete Form
720S, 765 or 765–GP to determine net income (loss),
deductions, etc., from the entire operations of the
Separate Accounting—If the economic development
pass–through entity. The pass–through entity should
project is a totally separate facility, net income shall
then complete Schedule KJRA–SP to determine the
reflect only the gross income, deductions, expenses,
KJRA tax credit and the tax due, if any, from the
gains and losses allowed under this chapter directly
KJRA project. A pass–through entity is subject to
attributable to the facility and overhead expenses
tax as provided by KRS 141.020 and KRS 141.0401 on
apportioned to the facility; and Kentucky gross receipts
the net income and the Kentucky gross receipts or
or Kentucky gross profits shall reflect only Kentucky
Kentucky gross profits from the project and the KJRA
gross receipts or Kentucky gross profits directly
credit is applied against the tax of the KJRA project.
attributable to the facility.
Consequently, the pass–through entity must use Form
720S(K), Form 765(K) or Form 765–GP(K) in lieu of
Line 2—Enter the net operating loss from the KJRA
Schedule K (Form 720S), Schedule K (Form 765) or
project, if any, being carried forward from previous
Schedule K (Form 765–GP) in order to exclude the
net income from the KJRA project from the partners,
members or shareholders’ distributive share income,
Note: Just as the income from a KJRA project does not
and Schedule LLET(K) in lieu of Schedule LLET in
flow through to partners, members or shareholders,
order to exclude the Kentucky gross receipts or the
neither do the losses. The project’s net operating loss
Kentucky gross profits of the KJRA project from the
from prior years must be subtracted from the project
LLET at the entity level.
income before calculating the KJRA credit.
Multiple Projects—A pass–through entity with multiple
General Partnership—Lines 5 and 6 of this schedule
economic development projects must complete an
shall not be completed by a general partnership as a
applicable schedule (Schedule KREDA–SP , Schedule
general partnership is not subject to LLET.
KIDA–SP, Schedule KEOZ–SP, Schedule KJRA–SP,
Schedule KIRA–SP, Schedule KJDA–SP, Schedule
Line 5—Using Schedule LLET, create a new Schedule
KBI–SP, Schedule KRA–SP or Schedule IEIA–SP) to
LLET to compute the LLET of the KJRA project using
determine the credit and net tax liability, if any, for
only the Kentucky gross receipts and Kentucky gross
each project.
profits of the project. Enter “KJRA” at the top center
of the Schedule LLET and attach it to the tax return.
Line 1—If the pass–through entity’s only operation is
the KJRA project, the amount entered on Line 1 is the
Line 9—In lieu of the tax credit, the approved
net income (loss) from Form 720S, 765 or 765–GP . If
company may elect, on an annual basis, to apply as
the pass–through entity has operations other than the
an estimated tax payment an amount equal to the
KJRA project, a schedule must be attached reflecting
allowable tax credit. Any estimated tax payment shall
the computation of the net income (loss) from the KJRA
be in satisfaction of the tax liability of the partners,
project in accordance with the following instructions,
members or shareholders of the pass–through entity,
and such amount entered on Line 1.
and shall be paid on behalf of the partners, members
or shareholders. Enter an amount on either (a) or (b),
Separate Facility—In accordance with KRS 141.402(6),
but in no case shall there be an entry on both (a) and
if the project is a totally separate facility, net income,
(b). In accordance with KRS 141.402(5), this estimated
Kentucky gross receipts, and Kentucky gross profits
tax payment is excluded in determining each partner,
attributable to the project shall be determined by a
member or shareholder’s distributive share income
separate accounting method.
or credit from a pass–through entity. Accordingly, the
partners, members or shareholders are not entitled
Alternative Methods—In accordance with KRS 141.402(7),
to claim any portion of this estimated tax payment
if the approved company can show that the nature of the
against their Kentucky income tax liability.


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