Publication 15 B - Employer'S Tax Guide To Fringe Benefits - 2002 Page 15


tation, such as commuting to and from work. These rules
Transit pass. A transit pass is any pass, token, farecard,
apply to the following transportation benefits.
voucher, or similar item entitling a person to ride, free of
charge or at a reduced rate, one of the following:
De minimis transportation benefits.
Mass transit.
Qualified transportation benefits.
In a vehicle that seats at least 6 adults (not including
Special rules that apply to demonstrator cars and qualified
the driver) if a person in the business of transporting
nonpersonal-use vehicles are discussed under Working
persons for pay or hire operates it.
Condition Benefits, later.
Mass transit may be publicly or privately operated and
includes bus, rail, or ferry.
De Minimis Transportation Benefits
Qualified parking. Qualified parking is parking you pro-
You can exclude the value of any de minimis transportation
vide to your employees on or near your business premises.
benefit you provide to an employee from the employee’s
It also includes parking on or near the location from which
your employees commute to work using mass transit,
wages. A de minimis transportation benefit is any transpor-
commuter highway vehicles, or carpools. It does not in-
tation benefit you provide to an employee that has so little
clude parking at or near your employee’s home.
value (taking into account how frequently you provide
transportation to your employees) that accounting for it
Employee. For this exclusion, treat the following individu-
would be unreasonable or administratively impracticable.
als as employees.
For example, it applies to occasional transportation fare
you give an employee because the employee is working
1) A current employee.
overtime, if the benefit is reasonable and is not based on
2) A leased employee who has provided services to
hours worked.
you on a substantially full-time basis for at least a
year if the services are performed under your pri-
Employee. For this exclusion, treat any recipient of a de
mary direction or control.
minimis transportation benefit as an employee.
Exception for S corporation shareholders. Do not
Qualified Transportation Benefits
treat a 2% shareholder of an S corporation as an employee
of the corporation. A 2% shareholder is someone who
This exclusion applies to the following benefits.
directly or indirectly owns (at any time during the year)
more than 2% of the corporation’s stock or stock with more
1) A ride in a commuter highway vehicle between the
than 2% of the voting power.
employee’s home and work place.
2) A transit pass.
Relation to other fringe benefits. You cannot exclude a
qualified transportation benefit you provide to an employee
3) Qualified parking.
under the de minimis or working condition benefit rules.
However, if you provide a local transportation benefit other
The exclusion applies whether you provide one or a combi-
than by transit pass or commuter highway vehicle, or to a
nation of these benefits to your employees.
person other than an employee, you may be able to ex-
Qualified transportation benefits can be provided di-
clude all or part of the benefit under other fringe benefit
rectly by you or through a bona fide reimbursement ar-
rules (de minimis, working condition, etc.).
rangement. However, cash reimbursements for transit
passes qualify only if a voucher or a similar item that the
Exclusion from wages. You can generally exclude the
employee can exchange only for a transit pass is not
value of transportation benefits you provide to an em-
readily available for direct distribution by you to your em-
ployee during 2002 from the employee’s wages up to the
ployee. A voucher is readily available for direct distribution
following limits.
only if an employee can obtain it from a voucher provider
that does not impose fare media charges or other restric-
1) $100 per month for combined commuter highway
tions that effectively prevent the employer from obtaining
vehicle transportation and transit passes.
vouchers. See Regulation section 1.132-9 for more infor-
2) $185 per month for qualified parking.
You can exclude qualified transportation fringe benefits
Benefits more than the limit. If the value of a benefit
from an employee’s wages even if you provide them in
for any month is more than its limit, include in the
place of pay.
employee’s wages the amount over the limit minus any
amount the employee paid for the benefit. You cannot
Commuter highway vehicle. A commuter highway vehi-
exclude the excess from the employee’s wages as a de
cle is any highway vehicle that seats at least 6 adults (not
minimis transportation benefit.
including the driver). In addition, you must reasonably
expect that at least 80% of the vehicle mileage will be for
More information. For more information on qualified
transporting employees between their homes and work
transportation benefits, including van pools, and how to
place, with employees occupying at least one-half of the
determine the value of parking, see Regulation section
vehicle’s seats (not including the driver’s).
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