Publication 15 B - Employer'S Tax Guide To Fringe Benefits - 2002 Page 10


For this rule, count employees who choose not to re-
participation or benefits, you must include the entire cost of
ceive the insurance unless, to receive it, they must contrib-
the insurance in your key employees’ wages subject to
ute to the cost of benefits other than the group-term life
social security and Medicare taxes. You must also include
insurance. For example, count an employee who could
the entire cost of the insurance in the employees’ wages
receive insurance by paying part of the cost, even if that
shown in boxes 1, 3, and 5 of Form W-2. However, you can
employee chooses not to receive it. However, do not count
exclude the cost of this insurance from the employees’
an employee who must pay part or all of the cost of
wages subject to federal income tax withholding and fed-
permanent benefits to get insurance, unless that employee
eral unemployment tax.
chooses to receive it.
This exception generally does not apply to church plans.
For this purpose, the cost of the insurance is the greater
Exceptions. Even if you do not meet the 10-employee
of the following amounts.
rule, two exceptions allow you to treat insurance as
group-term life insurance.
1) The premiums you pay for the employee’s insurance.
Under the first exception, you do not have to meet the
2) The cost you figure using the table shown later under
10-employee rule if all the following conditions are met.
Coverage over the limit.
1) If evidence that the employee is insurable is re-
For this exclusion, a key employee during 2002 is an
quired, it is limited to a medical questionnaire (com-
employee or former employee who is one of the following
pleted by the employee) that does not require a
individuals. See section 416(i) for more information.
1) An officer having annual pay of more than $130,000.
2) You provide the insurance to all your full-time em-
ployees or, if the insurer requires the evidence men-
2) An individual who for 2002 was either of the follow-
tioned in (1), to all full-time employees who provide
evidence the insurer accepts.
a) A 5% owner of your business.
3) You figure the coverage based on either a uniform
percentage of pay or the insurer’s coverage brack-
b) A 1% owner of your business whose annual pay
was more than $150,000.
Under the second exception, you do not have to meet
A former employee who was a key employee upon
the 10-employee rule if all the following conditions are met.
retirement or separation from service is also a key em-
1) You provide the insurance under a common plan
Your plan does not favor key employees as to partici-
covering your employees and the employees of at
pation if at least one of the following is true.
least one other employer who is not related to you.
2) The insurance is restricted to, but mandatory for, all
1) It benefits at least 70% of your employees.
your employees who belong to or are represented by
2) At least 85% of the participating employees are not
an organization (such as a union) that carries on
key employees.
substantial activities besides obtaining insurance.
3) It benefits employees who qualify under a set of
3) Evidence of whether an employee is insurable does
rules you set up that do not favor key employees.
not affect an employee’s eligibility for insurance or
the amount of insurance that employee gets.
Your plan meets this participation test if it is part of a
cafeteria plan (discussed in section 1) and it meets the
To apply either exception, do not consider employees
participation test for those plans.
who were denied insurance for any of the following rea-
When applying this test do not consider employees
1) They were 65 or older.
1) Have not completed 3 years of service.
2) They customarily work 20 hours or less a week or 5
2) Are part time or seasonal.
months or less in a calendar year.
3) Are nonresident aliens who receive no U.S. source
3) They have not been employed for the waiting period
earned income from you.
given in the policy. This waiting period cannot be
more than 6 months.
4) Are not included in the plan but are in a unit of
employees covered by a collective bargaining agree-
Exclusion from wages. You can generally exclude all
ment, if the benefits provided under the plan were
group-term life insurance coverage you provide to an em-
the subject of good-faith bargaining between you and
ployee from the employee’s wages subject to federal in-
employee representatives.
come tax withholding and federal unemployment tax. In
Your plan does not favor key employees as to benefits
addition, you can exclude the cost of up to $50,000 of
if all benefits available to participating key employees are
coverage from wages subject to social security and Medi-
also available to all other participating employees. Your
care taxes.
plan does not favor key employees just because the
Exception for key employees. Generally, if your
amount of insurance you provide to your employees is
group-term life insurance plan favors key employees as to
uniformly related to their pay.
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