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Thursday: Rest
Friday: Repeat Monday training session
b. Strength and Endurance Training Schedule (20 weeks). This training schedule's primary fitness element is
running, but also strives to combine aspects of strength, endurance, and flexibility. The running portion of the
program provides the base of cardiovascular endurance necessary to augment all other physical skills. In addition to
the progressive overload running program, strength training and flexibility exercises (e.g., Daily 16), addressing
lower and upper body resistance training must be incorporated. Weight training can augment or be substituted for
the Daily 16 exercises. Each training period will include a warmup prior to exercise and a cool-down session to
WEEK 1,2 Endurance Strength
Monday Run 40 min @ 10 min/mile pace
Lower Body Resistance
Daily 16 or Weight Training (1 set)
Tuesday None
Upper Body Resistance -
Daily 16 or Weight Training (1 set)
Wednesday Run 30 min @ 10 min/mile pace Lower Body - (1 set)
Thursday None Upper Body - (1 set)
Friday Run 30 min @ 10 min/mile pace Lower Body - (1 set)
WEEK 3,4 Endurance Strength
Monday Run 44 min @ 10 min/mile Lower Body - (1 set)
Tuesday None Upper Body - (1 set)
Wednesday Run 33 min @ 10 min/mile Lower Body - (1 set)
Thursday None Upper Body - (1 set)
Friday Run 33 min @ 10 min/mile Lower Body - (1 set)
WEEK 5,6 Endurance Strength
Monday Run 48 min @ 10 min/mile Lower Body - (2 sets)
Tuesday None Upper Body - (2 sets)
Wednesday Run 36 min @ 10 min/mile Lower Body - (2 sets)
Thursday None Upper Body - (2 sets)
Friday Run 36 min @ 10 min/mile Lower Body - (2 sets)


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