Form Dr 8404 - Colorado Liquor Retail License Application

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DR 8404 (12/15/16)
Colorado Liquor
Liquor Enforcement Division
Retail License Application
(303) 205-2300
New License
Transfer of Ownership
State Property Only
• All answers must be printed in black ink or typewritten
• Applicant must check the appropriate box(es)
• Applicant should obtain a copy of the Colorado Liquor and Beer Code:
1. Applicant is applying as a/an
Limited Liability Company
Partnership (includes Limited Liability and Husband and Wife Partnerships)
Association or Other
2. Applicant If an LLC, name of LLC; if partnership, at least 2 partner's names; if corporation, name of corporation
FEIN Number
2a. Trade Name of Establishment (DBA)
State Sales Tax Number
Business Telephone
3. Address of Premises (specify exact location of premises, include suite/unit numbers)
State ZIP Code
4. Mailing Address (Number and Street)
City or Town
State ZIP Code
5. Email Address
6. If the premises currently has a liquor or beer license, you must answer the following questions
Present Trade Name of Establishment (DBA)
Present State License Number Present Class of License
Present Expiration Date
Section A
Nonrefundable Application Fees Section B
Liquor License Fees
Application Fee for New License .............................................$1950.00
Lodging & Entertainment - L&E (County) .......................................... $500.00
Application Fee for New License w/Concurrent Review .............$2050.00
Manager Registration - H & R ............................................................... $75.00
Application Fee for Transfer ....................................................$1950.00
Manager Registration - Tavern .............................................................. $75.00
Manager Registration - Lodging & Entertainment ................................$75.00
Section B
Liquor License Fees
Master File Location Fee ........................$25.00 X ________ Total ________
Add Optional Premises to H & R ......... $100.00 X ________ Total ________
Master File Background ...................... $250.00 X ________ Total ________
Add Related Facility to Resort Complex $75.00 X ________ Total ________
Optional Premises License (City) ........................................................ $500.00
Arts License (City) ................................................................................ $308.75
Optional Premises License (County) .................................................. $500.00
Arts License (County) .......................................................................... $308.75
Racetrack License (City) ...................................................................... $500.00
Beer and Wine License (City) .............................................................. $351.25
Racetrack License (County) ................................................................ $500.00
Beer and Wine License (County) ........................................................ $436.25
Resort Complex License (City)............................................................ $500.00
Brew Pub License (City) .................................................................... $750.00
Resort Complex License (County) ...................................................... $500.00
Brew Pub License (County) ................................................................. $750.00
Retail Gaming Tavern License (City) .................................................. $500.00
Club License (City) ............................................................................... $308.75
Retail Gaming Tavern License (County) ............................................. $500.00
Club License (County) ........................................................................ $308.75
Retail Liquor Store License--Additional (City) ..................................... $227.50
Distillery Pub License (City) ................................................................. $750.00
Retail Liquor Store License--Additional (County) ............................... $312.50
Distillery Pub License (County) ........................................................... $750.00
Retail Liquor Store (City) ...................................................................... $227.50
Hotel and Restaurant License (City .................................................... $500.00
Retail Liquor Store (County) ................................................................ $312.50
Hotel and Restaurant License (County) ............................................ $500.00
Tavern License (City) ........................................................................... $500.00
Hotel and Restaurant License w/one opt premises (City) ................. $600.00
Tavern License (County) ...................................................................... $500.00
Hotel and Restaurant License w/one opt premises (County) ............ $600.00
Vintners Restaurant License (City) ..................................................... $750.00
Liquor–Licensed Drugstore (City) ....................................................... $227.50
Vintners Restaurant License (County) ................................................ $750.00
Liquor–Licensed Drugstore (County) ................................................. $312.50
Lodging & Entertainment - L&E (City) ................................................ $500.00
Questions? Visit: for more information
Do not write in this space - For Department of Revenue use only
Liability Information
License Account Number
Liability Date
License Issued Through (Expiration Date)


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