Charitable Trust Registration Statement Page 3


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The Minnesota Supervision of Charitable Trusts and Trustees Act (Minn. Stat. §§ 501B.33 to 501B.45)
directs the Office of the Attorney General to be the registry for charitable trusts and foundations. A charitable
trust must file a registration statement, a copy of the instrument which created the trust, an annual report and
applicable filing fees. The Act empowers the Attorney General to enforce its provisions. It also requires
charitable trusts and foundations to notify the Attorney General of any court proceeding in which they become
Charitable trusts must register and file annual reports. A charitable trust occurs when a fiduciary or trust
relationship with respect to property is created, if there was an intent to create this relationship, and if the trustee
is required to use the property for charitable purposes. A charitable purpose exists if there is a charitable,
benevolent, philanthropic, religious, social service, educational, eleemosynary or other public use or purpose.
In Minnesota, money give to or held by a charitable organization is deemed to create a charitable trust even if
the word “trust” is not used by the donor. Therefore, organizations that are charitable trusts include private
foundations, nonprofit corporations and some unincorporated organizations that have a charitable purpose or
that hold assets for a charitable purpose and public trusts.
Unless exempt (see “Exclusions” below), any charitable trust that has gross assets of $25,000 or more at any
time during the year must register with the Attorney General within three months after the charitable trust first
receives the trust property. The charitable trust must file a registration statement on a form prepared by the
Attorney General, a copy of the organization’ s articles of incorporation, trust document, will and testament or
other similar document which created the trust, including any amendments, and a $25 registration fee.
A registered charitable trust must file a copy of its federal tax or information return (i.e., IRS Form 990, 990-PF,
990-EZ or 1041), including all schedules and amendments, submitted by the charitable trust to the Internal
Revenue Service for the period covered in the trust’ s accounting year last completed and a $25 filing fee.
If the charitable trust does not file a federal tax or information return, it must file a balance sheet and statement
of income and expenses for the accounting year last completed and a $25 filing fee. An organization that does
not file a return wit the IRS may use a Charitable Trust Financial Report form, available upon request, to meet
the filing requirement or the organization may use another format of its choice.
The returns or reports are to be filed annually on or before the fifteenth day of the fifth month following the
close of the charitable trust’ s taxable year. The time for filing may be extended by application to the Attorney
General for up to six months.


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