Instructions For Form 8857 - Request For Innocent Spouse Relief Page 2


Where To File
Example. You and your former spouse filed a joint return
showing $5,000 of tax, which was fully paid. The IRS later
Do not file Form 8857 with your tax return or the Tax Court.
examines the return and finds $10,000 of income that your
Instead, send it to:
former spouse earned but did not report. With the additional
Internal Revenue Service
income, the total tax becomes $6,500. The understated tax is
Stop 840F, P.O. Box 120053
$1,500, for which you and your former spouse are both liable.
Covington, KY 41012
Erroneous items. Any income, deduction, credit, or basis is
an erroneous item if it is omitted from or incorrectly reported on
the joint return.
Partial innocent spouse relief. If you knew about any of the
Fax the form and attachments to the IRS at (859) 669-5256 or
erroneous items, but not the full extent of the item(s), you may
(859) 669-7187.
be allowed relief for the part of the understatement you did not
Write your name and social security number on any
know about.
Additional information. For additional information on
Send it to the above address or fax it to the above number
innocent spouse relief, see Pub. 971.
even if you are communicating with an IRS employee because
Separation of Liability Relief
of an examination, examination appeal, or collection.
You may be allowed separation of liability relief for any
If you received an IRS notice of deficiency, you also should
understated tax (defined above) shown on the joint return(s) if
file a petition with the Tax Court before the end of the 90-day
the person with whom you filed the joint return is deceased or
period, as explained in the notice. In your petition, you should
you and that person:
raise innocent spouse relief as a defense to the deficiency. By
Are now divorced,
doing so, you preserve your rights if the IRS is unable to
Are now legally separated, or
properly consider your request before the end of the 90-day
Have lived apart at all times during the 12-month period prior
period. Include the information that supports your position,
to the date you file Form 8857.
including when and why you filed Form 8857 with the IRS, in
your petition to the Tax Court. The time for filing with the Tax
See Pub. 504, Divorced or Separated Individuals, for details
Court is not extended while the IRS is considering your request.
on divorce and separation.
Exception. If, at the time you signed the joint return, you
The IRS Must Contact Your Spouse or
knew about any item that resulted in part or all of the
Former Spouse
understated tax, then your request will not apply to that part of
the understated tax.
By law, the IRS must contact your spouse or former spouse.
Additional information. For additional information on
There are no exceptions, even for victims of spousal abuse or
separation of liability relief, see Pub. 971.
domestic violence.
Equitable Relief
We will inform your spouse or former spouse that you filed
Form 8857 and will allow him or her to participate in the
You may be allowed equitable relief if both of the following
process. If you are requesting relief from joint and several
conditions are met.
liability on a joint return, the IRS must also inform him or her of
You have an understated tax (defined earlier) or underpaid
its preliminary and final determinations regarding your request
tax (defined next), and
for relief.
Taking into account all the facts and circumstances, the IRS
determines it would be unfair to hold you liable for the
However, to protect your privacy, the IRS will not disclose
understated or underpaid tax.
your personal information (for example, your current name,
address, phone number(s), information about your employer,
Equitable relief is the only type of relief available for an
your income or assets) or any other information that does not
underpaid tax.
relate to making a determination about your request for relief
Underpaid tax. An underpaid tax is tax that is properly shown
from liability.
on your return but has not been paid.
If you petition the Tax Court (explained later under What
Example. You and your former spouse filed a joint return
Happens After You File Form 8857), your spouse or
that properly reflects your income and deductions but showed
former spouse may see your personal information,
an unpaid balance due of $5,000. The underpaid tax is $5,000.
unless you ask the Tax Court to withhold it.
You gave your former spouse $2,500 and he or she promised
to pay the full $5,000, but paid nothing. There is still an
Types of Relief
underpaid tax of $5,000, for which you and your former spouse
are both liable.
Four types of relief are available. They are:
1. Innocent spouse relief.
Additional information. For additional information on
2. Separation of liability relief.
equitable relief, see Pub. 971 and Rev. Proc. 2003-61. You can
3. Equitable relief.
find Rev. Proc. 2003-61 on page 296 of Internal Revenue
4. Relief from liability arising from community property law.
Bulletin 2003-32 at
(See Community Property Laws later).
Community Property Laws
Innocent Spouse Relief
Generally, you must follow community property laws when filing
a tax return if you are married and live in a community property
You may be allowed innocent spouse relief only if all of the
following apply.
state. Community property states are: Arizona, California,
Idaho, Louisiana, Nevada, New Mexico, Texas, Washington,
You filed a joint return for the year(s) entered on line 1.
There is an understated tax on the return(s) that is due to
and Wisconsin. Generally, community property laws provide
that you and your spouse are both entitled to one-half of your
erroneous items (defined below) of the person with whom you
filed the joint return.
total community income and expenses. If you and your spouse
You can show that when you signed the return(s) you did not
filed a joint return in a community property state, you are both
know and had no reason to know that the understated tax
jointly and severally liable for the total liability on the return. If
existed (or the extent to which the understated tax existed).
you request relief from joint and several liability, state
Taking into account all the facts and circumstances, it would
community property laws are not taken into account in
be unfair to hold you liable for the understated tax.
determining whether an item belongs to you or your spouse or
former spouse.
Understated tax. You have an understated tax if the IRS
determined that your total tax should be more than the amount
If you were a married resident of a community property state,
actually shown on the return.
but did not file a joint return and are now liable for an underpaid
Instructions for Form 8857 (Rev. 09-2011)


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