Form Pc 654 - Annual Report Of Guardian On Condition Of Minor Page 2

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Annual Report of Guardian on Condition of Minor (12/17)
File No.
5. Education
a. The minor regularly attends school at
and is in grade
b. The minor attends alternative education at
and is in grade
c. The minor does not attend school because
6. Activities of Minor
a. The minor's social activities (including sports) are:
b. During the past year the minor has been in counseling with
c. During the past year the minor received in-patient services at
7. Parenting time between the minor and parents was as follows:
a. Parent’s name and current address:
Parenting time:
b. Parent’s name and current address:
Parenting time:
c. Comments about parenting time:
8. Parents complied with the
court-structured plan
limited guardianship placement plan
as follows:
Changes should be made to the plan as follows:
9. The guardianship
should not
be continued because:
10. I
am not
willing to continue to serve as guardian.
11. As guardian, I have been ordered by the court to file an annual account, which is attached.
Signature of guardian
Signature of co-guardian (if applicable)
City, state, zip
Telephone no.
City, state, zip
Telephone no.
Check here if this is a new address
Check here if this is a new address


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