Instructions For Application To Register Permanent Residence Or Adjust Status (Form I-485) Page 37


Additional Evidence Requirements
As a Lautenberg parolee, you must submit evidence showing you meet certain requirements specific to this immigrant
category. Therefore, in addition to the evidence listed in the What Evidence Must You Submit with Form I-485
section, you must also submit evidence that:
1. You are or were a national of the former Soviet Union (including nationals of any of the currently independent
countries that formerly were members of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, as well as Estonia, Latvia, and
Lithuania), Vietnam, Laos, or Cambodia, if not contained in your birth certificate; and
2. You were denied refugee status.
Denied Refugee Status
Under the Lautenberg program, applicants must first have been denied refugee status before their parole into the United
States. Provide evidence of denied refugee status, if available.
Diplomats or High Ranking Officials Unable to Return Home (Section 13 of the Act of September 11, 1957)
You may apply for adjustment of status if you are a foreign national who entered the United States under diplomatic or
semi-diplomatic status and then failed to maintain lawful status, and you can demonstrate compelling reasons why you
cannot return to the country represented by the government which accredited you. Such persons are sometimes referred to
as Section 13 applicants.
Derivative Applicants
You may apply as a derivative if you are the immediate family member of a Section 13 applicant. The DOS definition
of immediate family member is broader for A and G nonimmigrants than other nonimmigrant classifications. Immediate
family members are described in 22 CFR 41.21(a)(3) as the spouse and unmarried sons and daughters (whether by
blood or adoption) who are not members of some other household, and who will reside regularly in the household of the
principal. Furthermore, immediate family members also include individuals who:
1. Are not members of some other household;
2. Will reside regularly in the principal applicant’s household;
3. Are recognized by the sending government as immediate family members of the principal applicant as demonstrated
by eligibility for rights and benefits, such as the issuance of a diplomatic or official passport, travel or other
allowances; and
4. Are individually authorized by DOS.
Additional Evidence Requirements
As a Section 13 applicant, you must submit evidence showing you meet certain requirements specific to this immigrant
category. Therefore, in addition to the evidence listed in the What Evidence Must You Submit with Form I-485
section, principal applicants must also submit:
1. Evidence that you were admitted into the United States in A-1, A-2, G-1, or G-2 nonimmigrant status;
2. Evidence that you performed diplomatic or semi-diplomatic duties (custodial, clerical, or menial duties are not
3. Evidence of compelling reasons why you or a member of your family is unable to return to the country represented by
the government which accredited you;
Form I-485 Instructions 06/26/17 N
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