Instructions For Form 8233 - Exemption From Withholding On Compensation For Independent (And Certain Dependent) Personal Service Of A Nonresident Alien Individual Page 6


Line 12b
and children. See Pub. 519 for more
You know, or have reason to know,
that any of the facts or statements on
If all income received for the services
Form 8233 may be false, or
performed to which this Form 8233
You know, or have reason to know,
Lines 16 and 17
applies is exempt, write “All.” If only part
that the nonresident alien's eligibility for
is exempt, enter the exact dollar amount
Each allowable personal exemption
the exemption from withholding cannot
that is exempt from withholding.
must be prorated for the number of days
be readily determined (for example, you
during the tax year you will perform the
Line 12c
know the nonresident alien has a fixed
personal services in the United States.
base or permanent establishment in the
Generally, you can claim a withholding
Enter the number of days on line 16 that
United States).
exemption based on a U.S. tax treaty
pertain to the independent personal
with the country in which you claim
If you accept Form 8233 and later
services described in line 11a. To figure
permanent (or indefinite) residence.
find that either of the situations
the daily personal exemption amount to
This is the foreign country in which you
described above applies, you must
enter on line 17, divide the personal
live most of the time. It is not necessarily
promptly notify the IRS (by writing to the
exemption amount for the tax year
the country of your citizenship. For
address provided earlier) and you must
($4,050 for 2016) by 366 (normally 365,
example, you are a citizen of Pakistan
begin withholding on any amounts not
but 2016 is a leap year) and multiply the
but maintain your home in England. You
yet paid. Also, if you are notified by the
result by the amount you entered on
cannot claim a withholding exemption
IRS that the nonresident alien's eligibility
line 15. For example, if you are entitled
based on the U.S.-Pakistan tax treaty.
for the exemption from withholding is in
to one personal exemption for 2016,
Any withholding exemption you claim
doubt or that the nonresident alien is not
enter $11.07 ($4,050 / 366 days =
must be based on the U.S.-United
eligible for exemption from withholding,
$11.07 X 1 personal exemption =
Kingdom tax treaty.
you must begin withholding
$11.07) on line 17.
immediately. See Regulations section
Line 13b
Part IV
1.1441-4(b)(2)(iii) for examples
Enter the specific treaty and article on
illustrating these rules.
which you are basing your claim for
Withholding Agent's
If you submit an incorrect Form 8233,
exemption from withholding (for
you will be notified by the IRS that the
example, “U.S.-Germany tax treaty,
When the nonresident alien individual
form submitted is not acceptable and
Article 20(3)”).
gives you Form 8233, review it to see if
that you must begin withholding
Line 14
you are satisfied that the exemption
immediately. Examples of incorrect
from withholding is warranted. If you are
Provide sufficient facts to justify the
Forms 8233 include:
satisfied, based on the facts presented,
exemption from withholding claimed on
Any Form 8233 that claims a tax
complete and sign the certification in
line 12 and/or line 13. Be sure you
treaty benefit that does not exist or is
Part IV.
provide enough details to allow the IRS
obviously false.
to determine the tax treaty benefit you
Any Form 8233 that has not been
You will need three copies of the
are claiming.
completed in sufficient detail to allow
completed Form 8233. Each copy of
determination of the correctness of the
Lines 15 through 18 (for certain
Form 8233 must include any
tax treaty benefit or exemption claimed.
attachments submitted by the
independent personal services)
nonresident alien individual. Give one
Do not complete lines 15 through 18 if
copy of the completed Form 8233 to the
You or your authorized agent must sign
you are claiming an exemption from
nonresident alien individual. Keep a
and date Form 8233. See Regulations
withholding based on the “business
copy for your records. Within 5 days of
section 1.1441-7(c) for information
profit” article of a treaty or claiming on
your acceptance, forward one copy to:
about authorized agents.
line 12b that all of the compensation you
are receiving for independent personal
Department of the Treasury
Privacy Act and Paperwork Reduc-
services is exempt from withholding.
Internal Revenue Service
tion Act Notice. We ask for the
Philadelphia, PA 19255-0725
information on this form to carry out the
Line 15
Internal Revenue laws of the United
For compensation for independent
States. You are not required to request
personal services for which an
a tax treaty withholding exemption.
You also can fax Form 8233 to
exemption from withholding is not
However, if you want to receive
267- 466-1365. You are limited
available, 30% must be withheld from
exemption from withholding on
to 25 pages at one time.
that compensation after subtracting the
compensation for independent (and
value of one personal exemption. In
certain dependent) personal services,
The exemption from withholding is
most cases, you will enter “1” on line 15;
you are required to give us this
effective for payments made retroactive
however, if the exception described
information so that we can verify
to the date of the first payment covered
next applies to you, enter the total
eligibility under the relevant tax treaty
by Form 8233, even though you must
number of personal exemptions you are
and confirm proper tax treatment. Our
wait at least 10 days after you have
entitled to on line 15.
legal right to ask for this information is
properly mailed Form 8233 to the IRS to
Internal Revenue Code sections 1441,
Exception. If you are a resident of
see whether the IRS has any objections
3401, and 3402. We need this
Canada, Mexico, or South Korea; a
to the Form 8233.
information to ensure that you are
student from India; or a U.S. national;
You must not accept Form 8233, and
complying with these laws and to allow
you may be able to claim additional
you must withhold, if either of the
us to figure and collect the right amount
personal exemptions for your spouse
following applies:
of tax. Code section 6109 requires
Instructions for Form 8233 (Rev. 10-2016)


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