Instructions For Form 8233 - Exemption From Withholding On Compensation For Independent (And Certain Dependent) Personal Service Of A Nonresident Alien Individual Page 4


8233 to claim the daily personal
fellowship income (provided the
United States does not have a ratified
exemption amount.
nonresident alien is not claiming treaty
tax treaty,
benefits with respect to that income).
Are not trying to claim tax treaty
For any part of this compensatory
The withholding agent makes this
benefits that do not exist in your treaty,
income for which you are not claiming a
election by requesting that the
Complete lines 11 through 14 in
tax treaty withholding exemption, use
nonresident alien complete Form W-4
sufficient detail to allow the IRS to
Form W-4. See Completing Form W-4,
using the instructions in Rev. Proc.
determine the tax treaty benefit you are
88-24, 1988-1 C.B. 800. Indian students
also should see Rev. Proc. 93-20,
Claim the proper number of personal
Noncompensatory Scholarship
1993-1 C.B. 528.
exemptions on line 15, and
or Fellowship Income
Complete the required certification in
Withholding Agent
Part III.
Noncompensatory scholarship or
Any person, U.S. or foreign, that has
fellowship income is scholarship or
control, receipt, or custody of an amount
Specific Instructions
fellowship income that is not
subject to withholding or that can
compensatory scholarship or fellowship
disburse or make payments of an
income (defined earlier).
Part I
amount subject to withholding is a
In most cases, the taxable portion of
withholding agent. The withholding
Line 2
noncompensatory scholarship or
agent can be an individual, corporation,
You are required to furnish a U.S.
fellowship income (defined later) paid to
partnership, trust, association, or any
taxpayer identifying number on this
a nonresident alien is subject to
other entity, including (but not limited to)
form. In most cases, you are required to
withholding at:
any foreign intermediary, foreign
enter your SSN on line 2. See Line 2 in
30%, or
partnership, and U.S. branch of certain
Completing Form W-4 for instructions
14% if the nonresident alien is
foreign banks and insurance
on how to get an SSN.
temporarily present in the United States
companies. In most cases, the person
under an "F", "J", "M", or "Q" visa.
who pays (or causes to be paid) the
If you do not have an SSN and are
amount subject to withholding to the
not eligible to get one, you must get an
Taxable portion of noncompensato-
nonresident alien individual (or to his or
ITIN. To apply for an ITIN, file Form W-7
ry scholarship or fellowship income.
her agent) must withhold.
with the IRS. In most cases, you apply
If you were a degree candidate, the
for an ITIN when you file your tax return
amount of this type of income that you
Beneficial Owner
for which the ITIN is needed. However,
used for expenses other than tuition and
For payments other than those for which
if the reason for your ITIN request is
course-related expenses (fees, books,
a reduced rate of withholding is claimed
because you need to provide Form
supplies, and equipment) is taxable in
under an income tax treaty, the
8233 to the withholding agent, you must
most cases. For example, in most cases
beneficial owner of income is in most
file Form W-7 and provide proof that you
amounts used for room, board, and
cases the person who is required under
are not eligible for an SSN (your Form
travel are taxable. If you were not a
U.S. tax principles to include the income
degree candidate, the full amount of the
SS-5 was rejected by the SSA) and
in gross income on a tax return. A
scholarship or fellowship income is
include a Form 8233. It usually takes
person is not a beneficial owner of
taxable in most cases.
about 6 to 10 weeks to get an ITIN.
income, however, to the extent that
person is receiving the income as a
For details on how to apply for an
Required Withholding Form
nominee, agent, or custodian, or to the
ITIN, see Form W-7 and its instructions.
extent the person is a conduit whose
Get Form W-7 online at
In most cases, you should complete
participation in a transaction is
formspubs. For more information on
Form W-8BEN to claim a tax treaty
disregarded. In the case of amounts
obtaining an ITIN, go to
withholding exemption for this type of
paid that do not constitute income,
income. No Form W-8BEN is required
beneficial ownership is determined as if
unless a treaty benefit is being claimed.
the payment were income.
Exception. If you are receiving both
If you have applied for an SSN or
compensation for personal services
Avoid Common Errors
ITIN but have not yet received it, you
(including compensatory scholarship or
can attach a copy of a completed Form
To ensure that your Form 8233 is
fellowship income) and
W-7 or SS-5 showing that a number has
promptly accepted, be sure that you:
noncompensatory scholarship or
been applied for.
Answer all applicable questions
fellowship income from the same
An ITIN is for tax use only. It
withholding agent, you can use one
Specify the tax year for which this
does not entitle you to social
Form 8233 for both types of income.
form will be effective in the space
security benefits or change your
However, this exception applies only if
provided above Part I of the form,
employment or immigration status under
you are claiming a tax treaty withholding
Enter your complete name,
U.S. law.
exemption for both types of income.
addresses, and identifying number(s) in
Alternate withholding election. A
Expired ITIN. Generally, ITINs issued
Part I,
withholding agent can elect to withhold
after December 31, 2012, will remain in
Have attached the required statement
on the taxable portion of
effect as long as the individual to whom
described in the line 10 instructions if
noncompensatory scholarship or
the ITIN was issued files a tax return (or
you are a foreign student, trainee,
fellowship income of a nonresident alien
is included as a dependent on the tax
professor/teacher, or researcher,
temporarily present in the United States
return of another taxpayer) for three
Are not trying to claim tax treaty
under an “F,” “J,” “M,” or “Q” visa as if it
consecutive tax years. Otherwise, the
benefits for a country with which the
were compensatory scholarship or
ITIN will expire at the end of the third
Instructions for Form 8233 (Rev. 10-2016)


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