Instructions For Form Ct-1 X - Adjusted Employer'S Annual Railroad Retirement Tax Return Or Claim For Refund Page 9


17a. and 17b. Credit for Exempt Taxes Paid First
Payment methods. You may pay the amount you owe on
line 18 electronically using the Electronic Federal Tax Payment
Quarter of 2010
System (EFTPS) or by a check or money order.
Complete lines 17a and 17b to adjust the tax credit for Tier I
The preferred method of payment is EFTPS. For more
employer tax on compensation paid to qualified employees from
information, visit
or , call
March 19-31, 2010.
EFTPS Customer Service at 1-800-555-4477 toll free, or get
17a. Number of qualified employees paid exempt
Pub. 966, The Secure Way to Pay Your Federal Taxes.
compensation (including sick pay) March 19-31, 2010.
If you pay by check or money order, make it payable to
Enter the total corrected number from line 15a of Form CT-1 in
“United States Treasury.” On your check or money order, be
column 1. In column 2, enter the amount you originally reported
sure to write your EIN, “Form CT-1 X,” and the year corrected.
in the previously filed 2010 Form CT-1 or as previously
You do not have to pay if the amount you owe is less than
corrected. In column 3, enter the difference between 1 and 2.
See Correcting Tier I Employer RRTA Tax Exemption on page
Previously assessed FTD penalty. If line 18 reflects
5 for the definition of qualified employee.
overreported tax and the IRS previously assessed an FTD
Be sure to explain the reasons for this correction on line 21.
penalty, you may be able to reduce the penalty. For more
information, see the instructions for Form 945-A.
17b. Exempt compensation (other than tips) paid to
qualified employees March 19-31, 2010. Enter the total
Part 4: Explain Your Corrections for This
corrected amount from line 15b of Form CT-1 in column 1. In
column 2, enter the amount you originally reported or as
previously corrected. In column 3, enter the difference between
columns 1 and 2. See Correcting Tier I Employer RRTA Tax
19. Correction of Both Underreported and
Exemption on page 5 for the definition of exempt compensation.
Overreported Amounts
Multiply the amount in column 3 by .062 (6.2% tax rate) and
enter that result in column 4.
Check the box on line 19 if any corrections you entered on lines
6a through 17b in column 3 reflect both underreported and
Be sure to explain the reasons for this correction on line 21.
overreported amounts.
Lines 17a and 17b apply only for 2010.
Example. If you had an increase to Tier I Employer
compensation of $15,000 for employee A and a decrease to
Tier I Employer compensation of $5,000 for employee B, you
would enter $10,000 on line 6a, column 3. That $10,000
18. Total
represents the net change from corrections.
Combine the amounts on lines 6a through 17b of column 4.
On line 21, you must explain the reason for both the $15,000
Enter the result on line 18.
increase and the $5,000 decrease.
Example. You entered “-500.00” in column 4 of line 6a,
20. Did You Reclassify Any Workers?
“-100.00” in column 4 of line 7, and “1,400.00” in column 4 of
line 16. Combine these amounts and enter “800.00” in column 4
Check the box on line 20 if you reclassified any workers to be
of line 18.
independent contractors or nonemployees. Also check this box
if the IRS (or you) determined that workers you treated as
Line 6a
independent contractors or nonemployees should be classified
Line 7
as employees. On line 21, provide a detailed reason why any
Line 16
worker was reclassified.
Line 18
Return not filed because you did not treat any workers as
employees. If you did not previously file Form CT-1 because
Your credit. If the amount entered on line 18 is less than zero,
you mistakenly treated all workers as independent contractors
for example, “-115.00,” you have a credit because you
or as nonemployees, file a Form CT-1 for each delinquent year.
overreported your RRTA taxes.
If you checked the box on line 1, include this amount on the
Write “Misclassified Employees” in dark, bold letters across
“Total railroad retirement tax deposits” line of Form CT-1 for the
the top margin of page 1 of each Form CT-1. Complete Form
year during which you filed Form CT-1 X. Do not make any
CT-1 using the Instructions for Form CT-1. Attach a Form
changes to your Record of Railroad Retirement Tax Liability in
CT-1 X to each Form CT-1. Complete the top of Form CT-1 X,
Part II of Form CT-1 or on Form 945-A, if your Form CT-1 or
including the date you discovered the error, and provide a
Form 945-A is filed timely. The amounts reported on the record
detailed explanation on line 21.
should reflect your actual tax liability for the period.
21. Explain Your Corrections
If you checked the box on line 2, you are filing a claim for
Treasury regulations require you to explain in detail the grounds
refund or abatement of the amount shown.
and facts relied upon to support each correction. On line 21,
If your credit is less than $1, we will send a refund or apply it
describe in detail each correction you entered in column 4 on
to your next return only if you ask us in writing to do so.
lines 6a through 17b. If you need more space, attach additional
Amount you owe. If the amount entered on line 18 is a
sheets, but be sure to write your name, EIN, and calendar year
positive number, you must pay the amount you owe when you
on the top of each sheet.
file Form CT-1 X. You may not use any credit that you show on
You must describe the events that caused the underreported
another Form CT-1 X to pay the amount you owe, even if you
or overreported amounts. Explanations such as “RRTA
filed for the amount you owe and the credit at the same time.
compensation was overstated” or “administrative/payroll errors
If you owe tax and are filing a timely Form CT-1 X, do not file
were discovered” are insufficient and may delay processing
an amended Form 945-A unless you were assessed a
your Form CT-1 X because the IRS may need to ask for a more
failure-to-deposit (FTD) penalty caused by an incorrect,
complete explanation.
incomplete, or missing Form 945-A. Do not include the tax
The following is the information we need in your explanation
increase reported on Form CT-1 X on any amended Form
for each error you are correcting.
945-A you file.
Form CT-1 X line number(s) affected.
If you owe tax and are filing a late Form CT-1 X, that is, after
Date you discovered the error.
the due date for Form CT-1 for the period in which you
Difference (amount of the error).
discovered the error, you must file an amended Form 945-A
Cause of the error.
with the Form CT-1 X. Otherwise, the IRS may assess an
You may report the information in paragraph form. The
“averaged” FTD penalty.
following paragraph is an example.
Instructions for Form CT-1 X (2011)


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