Instructions For Form Ct-1 X - Adjusted Employer'S Annual Railroad Retirement Tax Return Or Claim For Refund Page 5


underreported amounts, complete line 3 only; skip lines 4 and 5
you could not locate or secure the cooperation of the remaining
and go to Part 3. If your corrections relate to overreported
employees, check all applicable boxes. Provide a summary on
amounts, you have a duty to ensure that your employees’ rights
line 21 of the amount of the corrections for both the employees
to recover overpaid Employee RRTA taxes that you withheld
who provided statements or consents and those who did not.
are protected. The certifications on lines 4 and 5 address the
5a. Check the box on line 5a if your overreported tax includes
requirement to:
overcollected Employee RRTA taxes for each affected
Repay or reimburse your employees for the overcollection of
employee. You are certifying that you repaid or reimbursed to
Employee RRTA taxes, or
the employees their share of the prior year Employee RRTA
Get consents from your employees to file a claim on their
taxes and you received written statements from those
employees stating that they did not and will not receive a refund
For purposes of these certifications, Employee RRTA taxes
or credit for the prior year taxes.
consist of Tier I Employee tax, Tier I Employee Medicare tax,
5b. Check the box on line 5b if your overreported tax includes
and Tier II Employee tax. Employer RRTA taxes consist of Tier
overcollected prior year Employee RRTA taxes for each
I Employer tax, Tier I Employer Medicare tax, and Tier II
affected employee and you have not yet repaid or reimbursed
Employer tax.
the Employee RRTA taxes. You are certifying that you received
3. Filing Forms W-2 or Forms W-2c
consent from each affected employee to file a claim on the
employee share of those taxes and you received written
Check the box on line 3 to certify that you filed or will file Forms
statements from those employees stating that they did not and
W-2 or Forms W-2c, as required, showing your employees’
will not receive a refund or credit for the overcollected taxes.
correct wage and tax amounts. See the Instructions for Forms
W-2 and W-3 and the Instructions for Forms W-2c and W-3c for
Example. The following is an example of the consent and
detailed information about filing requirements.
written statement that is required from employees when you are
filing a claim for refund and have not yet paid or reimbursed the
You must check the box on line 3 to certify that you filed
employee share of taxes.
Forms W-2 or Forms W-2c even if your corrections on Form
CT-1 X do not change amounts shown on those forms. For
Employee name
example, if your only correction to Form CT-1 involves
Employer name
misstated tax adjustments (see the instructions for line 16),
I give my consent to have my employer (named above) file a
check the box on line 3 to certify that you already filed all
claim on my behalf with the IRS requesting $_________ in
required Forms W-2 and W-2c.
overcollected RRTA taxes for 20___. I have not claimed a
4. Certifying Overreporting Adjustments
refund of or credit for the overcollected taxes from the IRS
or, if I did, that claim has been rejected; and I will not claim a
If you overreported RRTA tax and checked the box on line 1,
refund or a credit of the amount.
check the appropriate box on line 4. You may need to check
Employee signature
more than one box. If you got written statements from some
employees but you could not locate or secure the cooperation
of the remaining employees, check all applicable boxes.
Do not send these statements to the IRS. Keep them for
Provide a summary on line 21 of the amount of the corrections
your records.
for both the employees who provided written statements and for
those who did not.
In certain situations, you may not have repaid or reimbursed
4a. Check the box on line 4a if your overreported amount
your employees or gotten their consents prior to filing a claim,
includes each affected employee’s share of overcollected
such as in cases where the period of limitations on credit or
Employee RRTA taxes. You are certifying that you repaid or
refund is about to expire. In those situations, file Form CT-1 X,
reimbursed the prior year Employee RRTA taxes and you
but do not check a box on line 5. Tell us on line 21 that you
received written statements from the employees stating that
“have not repaid or reimbursed employees or gotten consents.”
they did not and will not receive a refund or credit for the prior
However, you must certify that you have repaid or reimbursed
year taxes.
your employees or gotten consents before the IRS can grant
the claim.
Example. The following is an example of the written
statement that is required from employees.
5c. Check the box on line 5c to certify that your overreported
tax is only for the Employer RRTA taxes. Affected employees
Employee name
did not give you consent to file a claim for refund for the
Employer name
Employee RRTA taxes, they could not be found, or they would
I have received a repayment of $_________ as
not (or could not) give you a statement described on line 5b.
overcollected RRTA taxes for 20___. I have not claimed a
refund of or credit for the overcollected taxes from the IRS
5d. Check the box on line 5d to certify that your overreported
or, if I did, that claim has been rejected; and I will not claim a
amount is only for RRTA taxes that you did not withhold from
refund or a credit of the amount.
your employees.
Employee signature
Part 3: Enter the Corrections for This
Do not send these statements to the IRS. Keep them for
your records.
What Amounts Should You Report in Part 3?
4b. Check the box on line 4b to certify that your overreported
amount is only for Employer RRTA taxes on those employees
In columns 1 and 2 of lines 6a through 17b, show amounts for
whom you were unable to find or those who would not (or could
all of your employees, not just for those employees whose
not) give you a statement described on line 4a.
amounts you are correcting.
4c. Check the box on line 4c to certify that your overreported
If a correction that you report in column 4 includes both
amount is only for RRTA taxes that you did not withhold from
underreported and overreported amounts (see the instructions
your employees.
for line 19), provide details for each error on line 21.
5. Certifying Claims
If you previously adjusted or amended Form CT-1 by
If you are filing a claim for refund or abatement of overreported
using an attached statement, Form 843, an “amended”
RRTA tax and checked the box on line 2, check the appropriate
Form CT-1, by filing a “supplemental” Form CT-1, or
box on line 5. You may need to check more than one box. If you
because of an IRS examination change, show amounts in
got written statements or consents from some employees but
column 2 that include those previously reported corrections.
Instructions for Form CT-1 X (2011)


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