Form N-400 - Application For Naturalization Page 9

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Part 10. Information About Your Marital History (continued)
My Current Spouse's Date of Marriage
Date My Current Spouse's Marriage Ended
with Prior Spouse (mm/dd/yyyy)
with Prior Spouse (mm/dd/yyyy)
H. How My Current Spouse's Marriage Ended with Prior Spouse
Spouse Deceased
Other (Explain):
If you were married before, provide the following information about your prior spouse. If you have more than one previous
marriage, provide that information on additional sheets of paper.
My Prior Spouse's Legal Name
Family Name (Last Name)
Given Name (First Name)
Middle Name (if applicable)
B. My Prior Spouse's Immigration Status When My Marriage Ended (if known)
U.S. Citizen
Lawful Permanent Resident
Other (Explain):
C. My Prior Spouse's Date of Birth
My Prior Spouse's Country
of Birth
My Prior Spouse's Country of
Date of Marriage with My Prior
Citizenship or Nationality
Spouse (mm/dd/yyyy)
Date Marriage Ended with My
Prior Spouse (mm/dd/yyyy)
How Marriage Ended with My Prior Spouse
Spouse Deceased
Other (Explain):
Part 11. Information About Your Children
Indicate your total number of children. (You must indicate ALL children, including: children who are alive,
missing, or deceased; children born in the United States or in other countries; children under 18 years of age or
older; children who are currently married or unmarried; children living with you or elsewhere; current
stepchildren; legally adopted children; and children born when you were not married.)
Provide the following information about all your children (sons and daughters) listed in Item Number 1., regardless of age.
To list any additional children, use additional sheets of paper.
Child 1
Current Legal Name
Family Name (Last Name)
Given Name (First Name)
Middle Name (if applicable)
A-Number (if any)
Date of Birth (mm/dd/yyyy) Country of Birth
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