Instructions For Application For Civil Surgeon Designation (Form I-910) Page 2


NOTE: Civil surgeon designation is at the discretion of USCIS. Although you may meet the professional qualifications
and other requirements listed on Form I-910, there is no guarantee that USCIS will designate you as a civil surgeon.
What Are the Responsibilities Of A Civil Surgeon?
If USCIS designates you as a civil surgeon, you must comply with the following requirements listed below:
1. You are responsible for truthfully and accurately reporting the results of an applicant’s immigration medical
examination and all laboratory reports on Form I-693 where indicated, and for signing the civil surgeon’s certification
provided on the report.
You must take reasonable steps to ensure that the person appearing for the immigration medical examination is the
same person applying for the requested immigration benefit. All applicants must present a valid government-issued
photo identification (for example, a valid unexpired passport or driver’s license), and you must annotate the form of
identification presented and ID number in Part 1. of Form I-693, if applicable. The law imposes severe penalties
for knowingly and willfully falsifying or concealing a material fact or using any false documents in connection with
immigration medical examinations.
You should also ensure that the applicant’s name and Alien Registration Number (A-Number) (if any) are at the top of
each page of Form I-693 and that they match the information provided in Part 1. of Form I-693.
2. Follow Health and Human Services (HHS) regulations and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
guidelines. USCIS designates civil surgeons with the understanding that you will perform the medical examination
according to HHS’s regulations found at 42 CFR part 34. These regulations include the specific guidelines found
in the Technical Instructions for the Medical Examination of Aliens in the United States (Technical Instructions),
published by the CDC in Atlanta, Georgia. The Technical Instructions (including periodic updates posted by CDC)
are available on the CDC website at
3. Make referrals and file case reports, as required. According to the CDC’s Technical Instructions, you are required to:
A. Refer the applicant to the local health department if the chest x-ray suggests tuberculosis (TB) or if other health-
related circumstances are present as described in the CDC’s Technical Instructions;
B. Ensure that testing and therapy are given for diagnoses of communicable diseases of public health significance, as
outlined in the CDC’s Technical Instructions; and
C. File a case report with the appropriate public health authorities if a case report is required by local laws or
regulations. You must also advise the applicant that a case report is being filed.
4. Notify USCIS of any changes relevant to your designation as a civil surgeon. You are responsible for notifying
USCIS in the event that:
A. You cease to practice medicine;
B. You cease to perform immigration medical examinations in the state or at the locations for which you are
designated; or
C. There is a change in your contact information (for example, name of office, address, telephone number, fax
number, or email address).
NOTE: You should notify USCIS within 15 days of the change. See the When and How Do I Update My Civil
Surgeon Information section of these Instructions for more information.
Form I-910 Instructions 12/23/16 N
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