Form 8840 - Closer Connection Exception Statement For Aliens - 2017 Page 4

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Form 8840 (2017)
Specific Instructions
Line 29
your tax home is wherever you work. For
determining whether you have a closer
For stocks and bonds, indicate the
connection to a foreign country, your tax
Part I
country of origin of the stock company
home must also be in existence for the
or debtor. For example, if you own
Line 1
entire year, and must be located in the
shares of a U.S. publicly traded
foreign country (or countries) in which
If you had a visa on the last day of the
corporation, the investment is
you are claiming to have a closer
tax year, enter your visa type and the
considered located in the United States,
date you entered the United States. If
even though the shares of stock are
Establishing a Closer Connection
you do not have a visa, enter your U.S.
stored in a safe deposit box in a foreign
immigration status on the last day of the
You will be considered to have a closer
tax year and the date you entered the
connection to a foreign country than to
United States. For example, if you
Paperwork Reduction Act Notice. We
the United States if you or the IRS
entered under the visa waiver program,
ask for the information on this form to
establishes that you have maintained
enter “VWP,” the name of the Visa
carry out the Internal Revenue laws of
more significant contacts with the
Waiver Program country and the date
the United States. Section 7701(b) and
foreign country than with the United
you entered the United States.
its regulations require that you give us
the information. We need it to determine
Line 6
Your answers to the questions in Part
if you meet the closer connection
IV will help establish the jurisdiction to
If you checked the “Yes” box on line 6,
exception to the substantial presence
which you have a closer connection.
do not file Form 8840. You are not
eligible for the closer connection
You are not required to provide the
When and Where To File
exception. However, you may qualify for
information requested on a form that is
nonresident status by reason of a treaty.
If you are filing a 2017 Form 1040NR or
subject to the Paperwork Reduction Act
See Pub. 519 for details. If so, file Form
Form 1040NR-EZ, attach Form 8840 to
unless the form displays a valid OMB
8833 with your Form 1040NR or Form
it. Mail your tax return by the due date
control number. Books or records
(including extensions) to the address
relating to a form or its instructions must
shown in your tax return instructions.
be retained as long as their contents
Parts II and III
may become material in the
If you do not have to file a 2017 tax
If you had a tax home in the United
administration of any Internal Revenue
return, mail Form 8840 to the
States at any time during the year, do
law. Generally, tax returns and return
Department of the Treasury, Internal
not file Form 8840. You are not eligible
information are confidential, as required
Revenue Service Center, Austin, TX
for the closer connection exception.
by section 6103.
73301-0215 by the due date (including
Otherwise, complete Part II or Part III
extensions) for filing Form 1040NR or
The average time and expenses
(but not both) depending on the number
Form 1040NR-EZ.
required to complete and file this form
of countries to which you are claiming a
will vary depending on individual
Penalty for Not Filing Form
closer connection. If you are claiming a
circumstances. For the estimated
closer connection to one country,
averages, see the instructions for your
complete Part II. If you are claiming a
income tax return.
If you do not timely file Form 8840, you
closer connection to two countries,
If you have suggestions for making
will not be eligible to claim the closer
complete Part III. After completing Part II
this form simpler, we would be happy to
connection exception and may be
or Part III, complete Part IV.
hear from you. See the instructions for
treated as a U.S. resident.
Part IV
your income tax return.
You will not be penalized if you can
show by clear and convincing evidence
Line 14
that you took reasonable actions to
A “permanent home” is a dwelling unit
become aware of the filing requirements
(whether owned or rented, and whether
and significant steps to comply with
a house, an apartment, or a furnished
those requirements.
room) that is available at all times,
continuously and not solely for short


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