Instructions For Form 6198 - At-Risk Limitations Page 3


Taxpayers other than partners or
Instructions for Form 8582, Passive
Line 6
S corporation shareholders. Include
Activity Loss Limitations, or the
on your current year Schedule D, Form
Instructions for Form 8810, Corporate
Adjusted Basis on the First Day
4797, or other forms and schedules any
Passive Activity Loss and Credit
of Tax Year
prior year losses that you could not
Limitations, whichever applies.
Sole proprietors. Filers of Schedules
deduct because of the at-risk rules.
C and F (Form 1040) must not reduce
Partners and S corporation
Even if you have a current year
the amount on this line by any liabilities.
shareholders. Include on lines 2a, 2b,
profit on line 5, you may have
See Pub. 551, Basis of Assets, for rules
and 2c your current year gains and
recapture income if you
on adjusted basis.
losses and prior year losses attributable
received a distribution or had a
to the activity that you could not deduct
Partners. To figure the adjusted basis,
transaction during the year that reduced
because of the at-risk rules.
see Pub. 541, Partnerships.
your amount at risk in the activity to
less than zero at the close of the tax
S corporation shareholders. To
Line 3
year. See Pub. 925 for information on
figure the adjusted basis, see the
the recapture rules.
Instructions for Form 1120S.
Other Income and Gains From
the Activity
If the partnership or
If line 5 shows a current year loss,
S corporation is engaged in
If you were a partner or S corporation
your loss may be limited to the income
more than one at-risk activity or
shareholder, include on line 3 other
or gains, if any, included on lines 1, 2,
in both at-risk activities and not-at-risk
income and gains from Schedule K-1
and 3. Separate the items of income,
activities, you must figure the part of
that you did not include on lines 1
gains, deductions, and losses on lines
your adjusted basis that is allocable to
through 2c.
1 through 4. The income and gains are
each at-risk activity. See Aggregation or
Line 4
fully reportable on your tax return. The
Separation of Activities on page 2 to
deductions and losses are allowable
determine each at-risk activity in which
Other Deductions and Losses
(subject to any other limitation such as
a partnership or S corporation is
the passive activity rules) to the extent
From the Activity
of the income and gains. To determine
If you were a partner or S corporation
Line 7
the allowable portion of each deduction
shareholder, include on line 4 other
or loss, divide each deduction or loss
deductions and losses from Schedule
Increases for the Tax Year
from the activity by the total loss from
K-1 that you did not include on lines 1
the activity on line 5. Then, multiply the
Do not include the current year income
through 2c.
total income and gains by this fraction.
or gains shown on lines 1 through 3.
If you have investment interest
expense from your at-risk activity, first
Include changes during the current
Complete the rest of the form to see
complete Form 4952, Investment
tax year in amounts that increase your
how much, if any, of the excess loss
Interest Expense Deduction, to figure
amount at risk, such as the following.
can be deducted.
your allowable investment interest
1. Net fair market value (FMV) of
property you own (not used in the
Example. Jill has a Schedule C
If you have investment interest
activity) that secures nonrecourse loans
loss of $4,600 on line 1 and a Schedule
expense from other activities on
used to finance the activity, to acquire
D gain of $3,100 on line 2a. Line 5
Form 4952, determine the allowable
property used in the activity, or to
shows a current year loss of $1,500. Jill
investment interest deduction
acquire your interest in the activity.
reports the $3,100 gain on Schedule D
attributable to the at-risk activity
Include the nonrecourse loans on line 9
and can deduct $3,100 of the $4,600
included on line 8 of Form 4952, and
(if included on line 6). Generally, the
loss on Schedule C. Jill completes Part
enter that amount on line 4 of
net FMV is determined when the
II or Part III of Form 6198 and
Form 6198. You must reduce the
property is pledged as security for the
determines that only $600 of the $1,500
allowable investment interest deduction
excess loss on line 5 is deductible in
on Form 4952 by the amount you carry
Do not enter the net FMV if (a) the
the current year. She replaces the
to Form 6198. If you filed Form 6198 for
nonrecourse loan was from a person
$4,600 loss first entered on Schedule C
the prior tax year, include on line 4 of
who has an interest in the activity other
with $3,700 ($3,100 + $600), the total
your current year Form 6198 any
than as a creditor or who is related
loss allowed in the current year.
investment interest expense from the
under section 465(b)(3)(C) to a person
prior tax year that was limited because
(except you) having such an interest,
of the at-risk rules.
and (b) the activity is described in (1)
Part II—Simplified
through (5) (or (6) for amounts
Line 5
borrowed after May 3, 2004) under
Computation of Amount
At-Risk Activities on page 1. However,
Current Year Profit (Loss)
At Risk
(a) does not apply to amounts
If line 5 shows a current year profit, you
borrowed by a corporation from a
Part II is a simplified method of figuring
may not have to complete the rest of
person whose only interest in the
your amount at risk. It can be used only
this form. Report all of the income,
activity is as a shareholder of the
if you know your adjusted basis in the
gains, deductions, and losses shown on
corporation. See Pub. 925 for
activity or in your interest in the
lines 1 through 4 on the forms and
partnership’s or S corporation’s at-risk
schedules normally used, and attach
2. Cash and the adjusted basis of
them to your tax return. Also attach
other property (determined at the time
Form 6198 and keep a copy for your
of the contribution) contributed to the
Part III is a longer method of figuring
activity during the tax year. However, if
your amount at risk, which may allow a
If your current year profit is from a
you used your own assets to repay a
passive activity and you have a loss
larger amount at risk. You do not need
nonrecourse debt and you included an
from any other passive activity, see the
to complete Part II if you use Part III.
amount in (1) above, the amount


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