Instructions For Form 6198 - At-Risk Limitations Page 2


example, a bank or savings and loan
allocate income, gains, losses, and
Line 1
deductions to each activity.
Ordinary Income (Loss)
A qualified person is not:
Partnerships and S corporations
A person related to you unless the
must give their partners and
Taxpayers other than partners or
person would be a qualified person but
shareholders a separate statement of
S corporation shareholders. Enter
for the relationship and the nonrecourse
income, expenses, and deductions for
your ordinary income or loss from the
financing is commercially reasonable
each at-risk and not-at-risk activity.
at-risk activity without regard to the
and on the same terms as loans to
at-risk limitations. This is the amount
unrelated persons,
When filling in Parts I, II, and III,
you get when you subtract your total
The seller of the property (or a
enter only amounts that relate to the
deductions (including prior year
person related to the seller), or
activity included on this form. Use
deductions that were not allowed
A person who receives a fee as a
accepted tax accounting methods to
because of the at-risk rules) from your
result of your investment in the property
figure the amounts to enter.
total income from the activity for the
(or a person related to that person).
current year.
If you are a partner or an S
Aggregation or
corporation shareholder, enter any
Do not include on line 1 capital or
items for the activity that are from your
ordinary gains and losses from the sale
Separation of Activities
investment in the activity or were
or other disposition of assets used in
File one form if your activities are listed
passed through to you on
the activity or of an interest in the
under the aggregation rules. File a
Schedule K-1 or a similar statement.
activity. These amounts, casualty or
separate form for each activity if your
theft gains and losses, and investment
Description of activity. After the
activities are listed under the separation
interest expense are entered on lines
description of the activity, if applicable,
2a, 2b, 2c, and 4.
enter the name and identifying number
Aggregation rules. All section 1245
of the partnership or S corporation.
Partners and S corporation
properties that are leased or held for
shareholders. Enter the amount from
lease and placed in service in any tax
box 1 of your current year Schedule
Part I—Current Year
year of a partnership or an S
K-1 (Form 1065 or Form 1120S) (plus
corporation are treated as one activity.
Profit (Loss) From the
any prior year ordinary loss that you
A partner in a partnership or an S
could not deduct because of the at-risk
corporation shareholder can aggregate
Activity, Including Prior
rules). In the case of a partner in an
and treat as a single activity all of the
electing large partnership, a partner’s
Year Nondeductible
properties of that partnership or S
share of at-risk activity income or loss
corporation that are included within
may be reported in box 1 or 2 of
each of categories (1), (2), (4), and (5)
Schedule K-1 (Form 1065-B), Partner’s
under At-Risk Activities on page 1.
Taxpayers other than partners or
Share of Income (Loss) From an
S corporation shareholders. If you
Activities described in (6) under
Electing Large Partnership.
have losses or deductions from an
At-Risk Activities on page 1 that
constitute a trade or business are
earlier tax year that you could not
Lines 2a, 2b, and 2c
treated as one activity if (a) the
deduct because of the at-risk rules,
include those amounts on the
taxpayer actively participates in the
Gain (Loss)
appropriate form or schedule of your
management of that trade or business,
Combine long- and short-term capital
or (b) the business is carried on by a
current year tax return before starting
gains and losses and ordinary gains
partnership or an S corporation and
Part I. For example, if 2009 is the
and losses from the sale or other
current year, and your 2008 Schedule
65% or more of the losses for the tax
disposition of assets used in the activity
C had a $1,500 loss on line 31, but
year are allocable to persons who
or of your interest in the activity. Enter
actively participate in the management
because of the at-risk rules your loss
gains and losses without regard to the
of the trade or business. Similar rules
was limited to $500, include the $1,000
at-risk limitations, the limitation on
on your 2009 Schedule C in Part V,
apply to activities described in (1)
capital losses, or the passive activity
Other Expenses, and identify it as a
through (5) under At-Risk Activities on
loss limitations. If more than one item is
page 1.
prior year loss.
included on a line, attach a statement
Separation rules. Your activity with
Partners and S corporation
describing each item.
respect to each film, video tape, section
shareholders. If you have a loss or a
1245 property that is leased or held for
Do not include amounts on
deduction from an earlier tax year that
lease, farm, holding of real property, oil
lines 2a and 2b that are included on
you could not deduct because of the
and gas property (as defined in section
line 2c. Enter the form number or
at-risk rules, these losses and
614), or geothermal property (as
schedule letter to the left of the entry
deductions must be included in the
defined in section 614) that is not
space for line 2c. For example, if you
current year amounts you enter in
aggregated with other activities under
file Form 4684, Casualties and Thefts,
Part I. For example, if your prior year
the above rules is treated as a separate
and carry amounts from that form to
Schedule K-1 had a $1,500 loss in box
Form 4797, Sales of Business Property,
1, but because of the at-risk rules your
either (a) enter the amounts attributable
Each investment that is not a part of
loss was limited to $500, include both
to the activity from Form 4684 on line
a trade or business is treated as a
the $1,000 loss from your prior year
2c and enter “Form 4684” on the dotted
separate activity.
and the amount from your current year
line next to the entry space, or (b) enter
Schedule K-1 on line 1 of Form 6198.
the amount attributable to the activity
carried from Form 4684 to Form 4797
Closely held corporations. A closely
Specific Instructions
held corporation must apply the
on line 2b. If you carry a loss from Form
If you are engaged in more than one
limitation on the deduction for interest
4684 to Schedule A (Form 1040), enter
on line 2c either the loss from Schedule
at-risk activity or in both at-risk activities
expense under section 163(j) before
A or the loss from Form 4684.
and not-at-risk activities, you must
applying the at-risk limitations.


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