Family Summer Bucket List Template Page 2


1. Clean out that closet, garage or storage room you have been meaning to get to. Set aside
things you don’t need and are willing to donate.
2. Call Meals on Wheels and volunteer to deliver meals with a friend, family or your children.
3. Smile at a stranger
4. Have a lemonade stand with your children. Donate some of the money to a charity of their
5. Call an old friend
6. Visit somebody in a retirement home
7. Go to adoration as a family– First Thursday of the month.
8. Go to confession as a family – then go out for ice cream
9. Forgive somebody
10. When shopping for “going back to school” supplies, grab a few extra to donate. There are
many back to school supply drives that will be more than happy to receive the donations.
11. Be kind
12. Do you know a family that struggles financially? Drop off a grocery bag of toilet paper,
paper towels, tooth paste, soap, laundry detergent, brushes or basically any toiletry item
(Food stamps do not cover any of the above). For fun, place it on their porch.
13. Have your children draw a picture or write a letter for our military men and women.
14. Clean up a mess that you didn’t make.
15. Hold the door for somebody.
16. Summer is busy; make it a point to have family time.
17. Be thankful for what you have.
We hope you have a wonderful summer and as always we thank you for your continued support.


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