Second Grade Spelling List Page 2


McGraw Hill Wonders – Unit 1 – Vocabulary Words – Second Grade
Week 1
Week 2
Week 3
Week 4
Week 5
Friends Help Friends
Families Around the
Pets are our Friends
Animals Need Our
Families Working
1. actions – Actions are
1. aside - When things
1. decide – When I
1. roams – When an
1. check – When you
things someone or
are put aside, they are
decide, I make up my
animal roams, it moves
check something, you look
something does.
moved to one side.
around freely.
at it closely to make sure it
2. afraid – When you are
2. culture – People of the
2. different – When things
2. allowed – When you
is in good condition.
afraid, you are scared of
same culture share the
are different, they are not
are not allowed to do
2. choose – When you
same way of life at a
the same size.
something, you do not
choose, you decide on one
3. depend – When you
certain time in history.
3. friendship – Friendship
have permission.
thing rather than another.
depend on someone, you
3. fair – I am fair when I
means being pals and
3. care – When you care
3. chores – Your chores
need or count on them.
treat my friends in a just
helping one another.
for something, you meet
are small jobs that you do
4. nervously – When I act
and honest way.
4. glance – Glace means
its needs.
around the house.
nervously, I act in a fearful
4. invited – When people
to look at quickly.
4. excited – When I am
4. cost – When you ask
or restless way.
are invited, they are asked
5. proper – When I am
excited, I am all worked
about the cost of
5. peered – Peered
in a nice way to do
proper, I act in a correct
up about something that
something, you want to
means looked hard or
something or to go
know how much you have
looked closely at
6. relationship – When
5. needs – A person’s or
to pay for it.
5. language – Language
you have a relationship,
animal’s needs are things
5. customers –
6. perfectly – When
is the way we speak, read,
you have a connection
they must have.
Customers are people who
something is perfectly
write, or sign.
with someone.
6. safe – When I am safe,
buy something from a
wonderful, it is wonderful
6. plead – When you
7. stares – When
I am free from harm or
store or company.
in the best possible way.
plead for something, you
someone stares, he or
6. jobs – Jobs are the
7. rescue – When you
beg or argue to get what
she looks at something for
7. wandered – During a
work that people do to
rescue something, you
you want.
a while with eyes wide
snowstorm, the animals
earn money.
save it from danger.
7. scurries – When
wandered around looking
7. spend – When you
8. secret – A secret is
something scurries, it
8. trade – When I trade
for shelter.
spend, you use money to
something that is private
scampers or runs quickly
with someone, I give one
8. wild – The wild is a
buy or pay for something.
or not known by many
8. share – When I share, I
thing away to get
place in nature where
8. tools – Tools are
give part of something I
something else.
animals live.
equipment used to make
have to someone else.
or repair things.


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