Second Grade Spelling List Page 10


McGraw Hill Wonders – Unit 5 – Vocabulary Words – Second Grade
Week 1
Week 2
Week 3
Week 4
Week 5
Being a Good Citizen
Cooperation Works!
Our Heroes
Preserving Our Earth
Rights and Rules
1. champion – A
1. amused – If something
1. agree – If people agree,
1. curious- If you are
1. exclaimed – If you
they say that something is
curious about something,
champion is a person who
amused you, it made you
exclaimed you spoke or
true or that they will do
you want to learn more
has won a contest.
smile or laugh.
shouted suddenly
about it.
2. determined – If you
2. cooperate – If you
because you were excited
2. challenging – If
2. distance – If something
determined something,
cooperate with someone,
or upset.
something is challenging, it
is at a distance from you, it
you decided it.
you work together on
2. finally- If something
is difficult and take effort to
is far away from you.
3. issues – Issues are
finally happens, it
3. earth resources – Earth
important problems or
3. describe – If you
happens after a long time.
3. discover – If you
resources are things found
topics that people are
describe something, you
3. form – When you form
discover something, you
in nature that people can
talking or arguing about.
tell about it in words.
something, you make or
find it or find out about it.
4. promises – Promises
4. entertained – If
shape it.
4. heroes- Heroes are
4. enormous – Something
are things you tell people
something entertained
4. history – History is the
people who have done
that is enormous is very
you will definitely do.
you, it pleased or
story of what happened in
brave things.
large in size or amount.
5. responsibility – If you
interested you.
the past.
5. interest- If you have an
5. gently – If you do
have a responsibility to do
5. imagination – Your
5. public – If something is
interest in something, you
something gently, you do it
something, it is your duty
imagination is your ability
public, it is for all people to
like it and want to learn
in a way that is light and
to do it.
to make up ideas and
use or visit.
more about it.
not rough.
6. rights – Your rights are
form pictures in your mind.
6. rules – Rules are
6. perform – When you
6. proudly – If you did
the things the law says
6. interact – When people
directions that tell how to
perform in a play or movie,
something proudly, you did
you can do or have.
or things interact, they act
do something or what is
you act in it.
it in a way that showed you
7. volunteered – If you
on and affect each other.
7. study – When you study
were pleased with what
volunteered to do
7. patient – When you are
7. united- When things
something, you read,
you did.
something, you offered to
patient, you can calmly
are united, they are
practice, or think about it
7. rarely – If something
do it.
wait for something.
brought or joined together.
so that you can learn it.
happens rarely, it does not
8. votes – If something
8. peaceful – A peaceful
8. writers- Writers are
8. succeed – If you
happen often.
has votes, people chose it
place is calm and quiet.
people who write stories,
succeed in doing
8. supply – A supply of
over something else.
books, and articles.
something, you do it the
something is an amount of
way you wanted to.
it that is ready to use when
you need it.


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