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1. Give the test in a normally lighted room; screen
3. Station examinee eight feet from lantern.
from glare; exclude sunlight. Examinee should not
face the source of room illumination.
4. If examinee ordinarily wears contact lenses or
glasses for distance, they should be worn. Color
2. Only one person should be tested at a time.
correcting lenses, if worn, must be removed prior to
(Others shall not be allowed to watch.)
1. Instruct examinee," The lights you will see in this
6. Average the errors of these last two runs. If an
lantern are either red, green, or white. They look like
average of more than one error per run is made,
signal lights at a distance. Two lights are presented at
examinee is failed. If an average of one, or less than
a time - in any combination. Call out the colors as
one error per run is made, examinee is passed.
soon as you see them, naming first the color at the top
and then the color at the bottom. Remember, only
7. An error is considered the miscalling of one or both
three colors - red, green, and white. Name which light
of a pair of lights; if an examinee changes his/her
color combination exists, top one first."
response before the next light is presented, record the
second response only.
2. Turn knob at top of lantern to charge lights;
depress button in center of knob to expose lights.
Maintain regular timing of about two seconds per light.
8. If an examinee says "yellow," "pink," etc., you
should say, "There are only three colors - red, green,
3. Expose the lights in random order starting with a
and white."
R/G or G/R combination, continuing until each of the
nine combinations has been exposed.
9. If an examinee takes over 3 seconds to respond,
you should say, "As soon as you see the lights, call
4. If no errors are made on this first run of nine pairs
of lights, examinee is passed.
10. Do not discuss passing/failing scores with
5. If any errors are made on this first run, give two
applicant. Under no circumstances will an applicant
more complete runs.
receive more than 3 total runs.
6. REMARKS (Attach additional pages if necessary.)
DD FORM 2489 (BACK), MAR 2008


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