Instructions For Form Sta - Appointment Of A Campaign Treasurer By A Specific-Purpose Committee Page 12


Form STA -- Instruction Guide
regular filing schedule. In other words, the committee’s campaign treasurer must file pre-election
reports and a runoff report, if applicable.
If the committee exceeds either of the $500 limits after the 30th day before the election, the
campaign treasurer must file a sworn report of contributions and expenditures within 48 hours after
exceeding the limit. After that, the campaign treasurer must file any pre-election reports or runoff
reports that are due under the regular filing schedule.
The selection is not valid for other elections or election cycles. Use the AMENDMENT form
(ASTA) to renew the option to file under the modified reporting schedule for a different election year
or election cycle.
For more information, see the Texas Ethics Commission’s Campaign Finance Guide for Political
Texas Ethics Commission
Page 10
Revised 06/22/2016


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