Sba Form 1244 - Application For Section 504 Loans Page 6

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Cost or Net Book Value
Senior Lien
Appraised Value
XVII. List of Project Collateral
(if available)
Land (and/or purchase of existing building)
Building (new construction, remodeling,
leasehold improvements, etc.)
Machinery and equipment (purchase,
installation, etc.)
Guarantor(s) and/or Owners
Personal Net Worth
Pledged Security (if applicable)
Analysis of Collateral Adequacy. (Include summary of environmental analysis, if any.)
[Include here, or credit memorandum (SBA Form 1244, Exhibit 1).]
XVIII. CDC Notifications
Has any member, officer, director or professional staff of CDC changed since last debenture request?
If so, has Form 1081 and resume been submitted to SBA?
SBA Form 1244 (09-16) Previous editions obsolete
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