Application Form For Hardship Payments Page 3

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1. Employment Insurance:
a. Amount: __________________________________________________________________
b. Actual/Expected End Date: ___________________________________________________
c. If no EI, or EI terminated, reason(s):
2. Social Assistance:
a. Type of Social Assistance: ____________________________________________________
b. Commencement Date: _______________________________________________________
c. Amount: __________________________________________________________________
d. Actual/Expected End Date:
e. If social assistance is being terminated, reason(s) why:
3. Other Sources of Income (including LTD, other disability payments, other employment, pension,
workers’ compensation, etc.):
a. Amount: ___________________________________________________________________
b. Actual/Expected End Date: ____________________________________________________
4. Provincial Drug Benefit Programs:
a. Have you applied for, or been granted, any provincial drug benefit program? If so, which
b. What are the conditions of your receiving this benefit?
c. Why does this benefit not cover your needs?


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