Publication 936 - Home Mortgage Interest Deduction - Department Of Treasury - 2008 Page 9


Figure C.
acquisition debt after that time. Similarly, a debt
Does not qualify as home acquisition debt
that you use to buy property may not qualify
or as grandfathered debt, and
because the property is not a qualified home.
Is secured by your qualified home.
However, if the property later becomes a quali-
($45,000 in
fied home, the debt may qualify after that time.
Example. You bought your home for cash
Mortgage treated as used to buy, build, or
Funds Used)
Taken Out
10 years ago. You did not have a mortgage on
improve home. A mortgage secured by a
your home until last year, when you took out a
qualified home may be treated as home acquisi-
$20,000 loan, secured by your home, to pay for
tion debt, even if you do not actually use the
your daughter’s college tuition and your father’s
Jan. 31
Oct. 31
Nov. 21
proceeds to buy, build, or substantially improve
medical bills. This loan is home equity debt.
the home. This applies in the following situa-
Home equity debt limit. There is a limit on the
amount of debt that can be treated as home
1. You buy your home within 90 days before
equity debt. The total home equity debt on your
9 Months
22 Days
or after the date you take out the mort-
main home and second home is limited to the
(Within 24 Months)
(Within 90 Days)
gage. The home acquisition debt is limited
smaller of:
to the home’s cost, plus the cost of any
substantial improvements within the limit
Date of the mortgage. The date you take
$100,000 ($50,000 if married filing sepa-
described below in (2) or (3). (See
out your mortgage is the day the loan proceeds
rately), or
ple 1
are disbursed. This is generally the closing date.
The total of each home’s fair market value
You can treat the day you apply in writing for
2. You build or improve your home and take
(FMV) reduced (but not below zero) by the
your mortgage as the date you take it out. How-
out the mortgage before the work is com-
amount of its home acquisition debt and
ever, this applies only if you receive the loan
pleted. The home acquisition debt is lim-
grandfathered debt. Determine the FMV
proceeds within a reasonable time (such as
ited to the amount of the expenses
and the outstanding home acquisition and
within 30 days) after your application is ap-
incurred within 24 months before the date
grandfathered debt for each home on the
proved. If a timely application you make is re-
of the mortgage.
date that the last debt was secured by the
jected, a reasonable additional time will be
3. You build or improve your home and take
allowed to make a new application.
out the mortgage within 90 days after the
Cost of home or improvements. To deter-
work is completed. The home acquisition
Example. You own one home that you
mine your cost, include amounts paid to acquire
debt is limited to the amount of the ex-
bought in 2000. Its FMV now is $110,000, and
any interest in a qualified home or to substan-
penses incurred within the period begin-
the current balance on your original mortgage
tially improve the home.
ning 24 months before the work is
(home acquisition debt) is $95,000. Bank M of-
completed and ending on the date of the
The cost of building or substantially improv-
fers you a home mortgage loan of 125% of the
mortgage. (See
ing a qualified home includes the costs to ac-
FMV of the home less any outstanding mort-
quire real property and building materials, fees
gages or other liens. To consolidate some of
for architects and design plans, and required
your other debts, you take out a $42,500 home
Example 1. You bought your main home on
building permits.
mortgage loan [(125% × $110,000) − $95,000]
June 3 for $175,000. You paid for the home with
with Bank M.
cash you got from the sale of your old home. On
Substantial improvement. An improve-
Your home equity debt is limited to $15,000.
July 15, you took out a mortgage of $150,000
ment is substantial if it:
This is the smaller of:
secured by your main home. You used the
Adds to the value of your home,
$150,000 to invest in stocks. You can treat the
$100,000, the maximum limit, or
mortgage as taken out to buy your home be-
Prolongs your home’s useful life, or
$15,000, the amount that the FMV of
cause you bought the home within 90 days
Adapts your home to new uses.
$110,000 exceeds the amount of home
before you took out the mortgage. The entire
acquisition debt of $95,000.
mortgage qualifies as home acquisition debt be-
Repairs that maintain your home in good con-
cause it was not more than the home’s cost.
dition, such as repainting your home, are not
Debt higher than limit.
Interest on
substantial improvements. However, if you paint
amounts over the home equity debt limit (such
Example 2. On January 31, John began
your home as part of a renovation that substan-
as the interest on $27,500 [$42,500 − $15,000]
building a home on the lot that he owned. He
tially improves your qualified home, you can
in the preceding example) generally is treated
used $45,000 of his personal funds to build the
include the painting costs in the cost of the
as personal interest and is not deductible. But if
home. The home was completed on October 31.
the proceeds of the loan were used for invest-
On November 21, John took out a $36,000 mort-
ment, business, or other deductible purposes,
gage that was secured by the home. The mort-
Acquiring an interest in a home because of
the interest may be deductible. If it is, see the
gage can be treated as used to build the home
a divorce. If you incur debt to acquire the
Table 1 Instructions for line 13 for an explanation
because it was taken out within 90 days after the
interest of a spouse or former spouse in a home,
of how to allocate the excess interest.
home was completed. The entire mortgage
because of a divorce or legal separation, you
qualifies as home acquisition debt because it
can treat that debt as home acquisition debt.
Part of home not a qualified home. To
was not more than the expenses incurred within
figure the limit on your home equity debt, you
Part of home not a qualified home. To
the period beginning 24 months before the
must divide the FMV of your home between the
figure your home acquisition debt, you must
home was completed. This is illustrated by Fig-
part that is a qualified home and any part that is
divide the cost of your home and improvements
ure C.
not a qualified home. See
Divided use of your
between the part of your home that is a qualified
under Qualified Home in Part I.
home and any part that is not a qualified home.
Divided use of your home
under Qualified
Fair market value (FMV). This is the price
Home in Part I.
at which the home would change hands be-
tween you and a buyer, neither having to sell or
Home Equity Debt
buy, and both having reasonable knowledge of
all relevant facts. Sales of similar homes in your
If you took out a loan for reasons other than to
area, on about the same date your last debt was
buy, build, or substantially improve your home, it
secured by the home, may be helpful in figuring
may qualify as home equity debt. In addition,
the FMV.
debt you incurred to buy, build, or substantially
Grandfathered Debt
improve your home, to the extent it is more than
the home acquisition debt limit (discussed ear-
lier), may qualify as home equity debt.
If you took out a mortgage on your home before
Home equity debt is a mortgage you took out
October 14, 1987, or you refinanced such a
after October 13, 1987, that:
mortgage, it may qualify as grandfathered debt.
Publication 936 (2008)
Page 9


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