Sexual Harassment Complaint Form Page 4


File: EEACC-P (Also JFCC-P)
The Board authorizes the Superintendent or other administrators to suspend a student from
school bus riding privileges only for a period of up to one school year. The only due process
required is notice to the student of an intended bus riding suspension and an opportunity to
appear before the administrator considering the suspension before it happens. The
administrator’s decision is final.
When discipline problems with individual students arise, use the following guidelines.
If possible, the driver should resolve the problem.
When the driver is unable to resolve the problem, he/she should report it to the
transportation supervisor. The transportation supervisor and driver, if necessary, confer
with the principal. Any discipline is imposed by the principal of the school.
Problems which cannot be resolved by measures specified above are referred to the
(Approval date: November 16, 2009)
2 of 2
McDonald Local School District, McDonald, Ohio


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