Publication 503 - Child And Dependent Care Expenses - 2002 Page 7


earnings from self-employment. A net loss from self-em-
What is not earned income? Earned income does not
ployment reduces earned income. Earned income also
include pensions or annuities, social security payments,
includes strike benefits and any disability pay you report as
workers’ compensation, interest, dividends, or unemploy-
ment compensation. It also does not include scholarship or
fellowship grants, except amounts paid to you (and re-
Nontaxable employee compensation not included.
ported on Form W –2) for teaching, research, or other
When figuring your earned income for the child and depen-
dent care credit, do not count nontaxable employee com-
pensation such as meals and lodging furnished for the
Rule for student-spouse or spouse not able to care for
convenience of the employer, voluntary salary deferrals,
self. Your spouse is treated as having earned income for
military basic quarters and subsistence allowances and
any month that he or she is:
in-kind quarters and subsistence, and military pay earned
in a combat zone.
1) A full-time student, or
2) Physically or mentally not able to care for himself or
Members of certain religious faiths opposed to social
security. This section is for persons who are members of
certain religious faiths that are opposed to participation in
Figure the earned income of the nonworking spouse,
Social Security Act programs and have an IRS-approved
described under (1) or (2) above, as shown under Earned
form that exempts certain income from social security and
Income Limit under How To Figure the Credit, later.
Medicare taxes. These forms are:
This rule applies to only one spouse for any one month.
If, in the same month, both you and your spouse do not
Form 4361, Application for Exemption From
work and are either full-time students or physically or
Self-Employment Tax for Use by Ministers, Members
mentally not able to care for yourselves, only one of you
of Religious Orders and Christian Science Practition-
can be treated as having earned income in that month.
Full-time student. You are a full-time student if you are
Form 4029, Application for Exemption From Social
enrolled at and attend a school for the number of hours or
Security and Medicare Taxes and Waiver of Bene-
classes that the school considers full time. You must have
fits, for use by members of recognized religious
been a student for some part of each of 5 calendar months
during the year. (The months need not be consecutive.) If
you attend school only at night, you are not a full-time
Each form is discussed in this section in terms of what is
student. However, as part of your full-time course of study,
or is not earned income for purposes of the child and
you may attend some night classes.
dependent care credit. For information on the use of these
forms, see Publication 517, Social Security and Other
School. The term “school” includes elementary
Information for Members of the Clergy and Religious Work-
schools, junior and senior high schools, colleges, universi-
ties, and technical, trade, and mechanical schools. It does
not include on-the-job training courses, correspondence
Form 4361. Whether or not you have an approved
schools, and night schools.
Form 4361, amounts you received for performing ministe-
rial duties as an employee are earned income. This in-
Work-Related Expense Test
cludes wages, salaries, tips, and other employee
compensation (but does not include any employee com-
pensation that is nontaxable, such as a housing allow-
Child and dependent care expenses must be work related
to qualify for the credit. Expenses are considered work
related only if both of the following are true.
However, amounts you received for ministerial duties,
but not as an employee, are not net earnings from
They allow you (and your spouse if you are married)
self-employment for purposes of the child and dependent
to work or look for work.
care credit. Examples include fees for performing mar-
riages and honoraria for delivering speeches. Any income
They are for a qualifying person’s care.
or loss from these activities is not taken into account in
figuring earned income.
Working or Looking for Work
Any amount you received for work that is not related to
your ministerial duties is earned income.
To be work related, your expenses must allow you to work
or look for work. If you are married, generally both you and
Form 4029. Whether or not you have an approved
your spouse must work or look for work. Your spouse is
Form 4029, all wages, salaries, tips, and other employee
treated as working during any month he or she is a full-time
compensation are earned income. However, any em-
student or is physically or mentally not able to care for
ployee compensation that is nontaxable is not considered
himself or herself.
earned income.
Your work can be for others or in your own business or
In addition, amounts you received as a self-employed
partnership. It can be either full time or part time.
individual are not net earnings from self-employment for
purposes of the child and dependent care credit, and are
Work also includes actively looking for work. However, if
not taken into account in figuring earned income.
you do not find a job and have no earned income for the
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