Member Name:
Section 6 must be completed by the member’s prescribing provider or his or her staff. Complete all items and attach any pertinent information
(i.e. lab tests, medical history and physical examination, clinical notes, etc.).
A. Anthropometric Measures (Complete all items).
Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR):
Body Mass Index (BMI):
Growth Percentile (Child Only):
Ideal Body Weight:
B. Laboratory Tests (Attach Results).
Type of blood tests (specify):
Type of urine tests (specify):
Other tests (specify):
C. Risk Factors
Anatomic structures of gastrointestinal tract that impair digestion and absorption
Neurological disorders that impair swallowing or chewing (specify):
Diagnosis of inborn errors of metabolism that require food products modified to be low in protein (specify):
Intolerance or allergy to standard milk-based or soy infant formulas that have improved with a trial of specialized formula
Prolonged nutrient losses due to malabsorption syndromes or short-bowel syndromes, diabetes, celiac disease, chronic pancreatitis, renal dialysis,
draining abscess or wounds, etc. (specify type):
Treatment with anti-nutrient or catabolic properties
Increased metabolic and/or caloric needs due to excessive burns, infection, trauma, prolonged fever, hyperthyroidism, or illnesses that impair caloric
intake and/or retention
A failure-to-thrive diagnosis that increases caloric needs while impairing caloric intake and/or retention
Other (specify):
D. Route of Treatment
Mouth (oral) only
Nasogastric (NG-tube)
Gastric (G-tube)
Jejunal (J-tube)
Other (specify):
E. Treatment Regimen Initiated
Past (explain):
Last Six Months (explain):
None (explain):
F. Other Information:
Prescribing Provider’s Attestation, Signature, and Date
I certify under the pains and penalties of perjury that I am the prescribing provider identified in Section 2 of this form. Any attached
statement on my letterhead has been reviewed and signed by me. I certify that the medical necessity information (per 130 CMR 450.204)
on this form is true, accurate, and complete, to the best of my knowledge. I understand that I may be subject to civil penalties or criminal
prosecution for any falsification, omission, or concealment of any material fact contained herein.
Signature of prescribing provider (Signature and date stamps, or the signature of anyone other than the prescribing provider, are not acceptable.)
Check applicable credentials
Printed name of prescribing provider: