General Instructions For Schedule Ct (Form Os-114) - Application For Connecticut/new York State Simplified Sales And Use Tax Reporting


Line 11 Amended returns only, enter tax paid on any prior return(s) filed for
General Instructions
the period.
You may use Form OS-114 Schedule CT only if you have completed an
Line 12 Subtract Line 11 from Line 10. Enter the difference.
Application for Connecticut/New York State Simplified Sales and Use Tax
Reporting and have been accepted into the reciprocal tax agreement.
Line 13 Interest: If this is a late or amended return, interest is computed at
the rate of 1% per month or fraction of a month from the due date
If you have questions, visit the DRS website at or contact
until the date of payment. Interest is based on the amount that should
the Connecticut Taxpayer Services Division at 860-297-5962 (from anywhere)
have been remitted on time.
or 1-800-382-9463 (Connecticut calls outside the Greater Hartford calling
area only).
Penalty for failure to pay tax when due: 15% of the tax due or
$50, whichever is greater.
TTY, TDD, and Text Telephone users only may transmit inquiries anytime
by calling 860-297-4911.
Line 14 Add Line 12 and Line 13. Enter total. Under no circumstances
may you offset an overpayment to one state against tax due
Rounding: You must round off cents to the nearest whole dollar on your
the other.
returns and schedules. If you do not round, the Department of Revenue Services
(DRS) will disregard the cents. However, if you need to add two or more
amounts to compute the amount to enter on a line, include cents and round off
You must keep detailed records. Allowable deductions include, but are not
only the total.
limited to:
Address: Verify that your mailing address on the front of the return is correct.
Sales of commercial trucks (including tractors and semitrailers) with
If you have changed your mailing address or trade name, check the box and
gross vehicle weight rating over 26,000 pounds or operated actively and
enter your new mailing address or trade name in the space provided.
exclusively for carriage of interstate freight, under a certificate or permit
If you are permanently out of business, check the box and enter your last
issued by the Interstate Commerce Commission or its successor agency.
business day.
Sales of food products for human consumption, vegetable seeds, and
If you have changed your physical location, check the box and enter your
food sold through vending machines and sales of certain nonfood products
purchased with food stamps. Food does not include alcoholic beverages,
new location in the space provided.
soda, candy, gum, tobacco products, or food prepared for immediate
If you are filing an amended return, check the box on the return.
consumption at or near the seller’s location.
New Legislation
Sales of tangible personal property for exclusive use in
Sales of residential weatherization products and, on or after
agricultural production if a copy of the Farmer Tax Exemption Permit
June 1, 2007, sales of compact fluorescent light bulbs are exempt.
is provided.
See Special Notice 2007(4), 2007 Legislation Affecting the Sales Tax on
Sales of machinery and its replacement, repair, component and
Home Weatherization Products and Special Notice 2007(3), 2007
enhancement parts, materials, tools, and fuel for manufacturing production.
Legislation Granting a Connecticut Sales and Use Tax Exemption for
Sales of machinery, materials, tools, equipment, and supplies used
Sales of Compact Fluorescent Light Bulbs.
predominantly in the production of printed material by a commercial
A sales tax holiday for household appliances that meet the Energy
printer or in a related printing production process including publishing.
Star standard from June 4, 2007, through September 30, 2007. See Special
Sales for commercial fishing. Sales of vessels, machinery, or
Notice 2007(2.1), 2007 Legislation Granting a Connecticut Sales and
equipment for exclusive use on commercial fishing vessels. Sales of
Use Tax Exemption for Sales of Energy Star Rated Household Appliances.
materials, tools, and fuel used directly in commercial fishing.
On or after July 1, 2007, sales of solar energy, geothermal
Sales of medicines, syringes, and needles by prescription.
resource, and ice storage cooling systems are exempt. See Special
Sales of nonprescription medicines.
Notice 2007(7), 2007 Legislation Granting a Connecticut Sales and Use
Sales to exempt charitable or religious organizations.
Tax Exemption for Sales of Solar Heating Systems, Solar Electricity
Generating Systems, and Ice Storage Cooling Systems.
Sales to governmental agencies.
Sales of certified items for air or water pollution abatement. Enter
Sales tax holiday of clothing and footwear under $300. In 2007 the
the sales of tangible personal property or supplies to be incorporated into
week is from August 19 through August 25.
or used and consumed in facilities whose primary purpose is the reduction,
Line Instructions
control or elimination of air or water pollution, certified as approved for this
Line 1 Enter total gross receipts from the sale of tangible personal property.
purpose by the Connecticut Department of Environmental Protection.
(a) Include in Line 1 receipts from:
Trade-ins. Enter total trade-in allowance on any like-kind item of tangible
Sales of cigarettes and motor vehicle fuel;
personal property. All trade-ins, other than motor vehicles, farm tractors,
Tax-exempt sales;
snowmobiles, vessels, aircraft, and certain construction equipment, must
Total credit sales;
be intended for resale.
Federal and state excise taxes and state petroleum products
Returned goods taxed at 6%. Enter goods returned for credit within 90
gross earnings tax;
days of date of sale.
Sales of heating fuel, electricity, and gas; and
Sales of oxygen, blood, artificial devices, crutches, and
Shipping and delivery charges.
wheelchairs. Enter sales of oxygen, blood or blood plasma, prostheses
(b) Exclude from Line 1 receipts from:
or the sales or repair services of crutches, walkers, wheelchairs, inclined
• Installment payments from conditional or credit sales
stairway chairlifts, etc., vital life support equipment, and replacement,
previously reported;
repair, and enhancement parts for this equipment.
• Sales and use taxes;
Sales of clothing or footwear under $50 each. This exemption does
• Sales of real estate; and
not apply to purchases of: special clothing or footwear primarily designed
• Commissions received, except sales agents services.
for athletic activity or protective use; jewelry, handbags, luggage, wallets,
Line 2 Enter total gross receipts from the leasing and renting of tangible
umbrellas, watches, and similar items carried on or about the human body.
personal property. Include in Line 2 receipts from:
Sales of cloth and components and yarn used in the noncommercial
Royalties or periodic payments received;
production of clothing.
Maintenance charges;
Cancellation charges;
Funeral expenses. Enter sales of caskets used for burials and cremation
Installation charges; and
and the first $2,500 of tangible personal property for each funeral.
Shipping and delivery charges.
Materials, tools, fuels, and machinery and equipment to be used
Line 3 Enter total gross receipts derived from the rendering of all services,
primarily in manufacturing, as described in the Manufacturing Recovery
including but not limited to:
Act of 1992. Multiply applicable gross receipts by 50% (.50) and enter.
Computer and data processing services taxable at 1%;
Sales of machinery, equipment, supplies, tools, and fuel used directly in
Credit information and reporting services;
the biotechnology industry.
Employment agencies and agencies providing personnel services;
Sales of fabrication labor and repair and maintenance services
Photographic studio services;
for vessels. Vessel means every description of watercraft, other than
Stenographic services;
Telephone answering services;
Computer and data processing services. The tax on computer and
Business analysis, management, management consulting, and
data processing services is 1%. Multiply the applicable gross receipts by
public relations services, including business analysis,
83.33% (.8333) and enter. Internet access services are not taxable.
management, or management consulting services rendered by a
general partner or an affiliate to a limited partnership; and
Sales to direct payment permit holders. Direct payment permits allow
Telecommunications services.
taxpayers to pay use tax on certain purchases directly to DRS, rather than
paying sales or use taxes to vendors.
Line 7 Add Lines 1 through 6. Enter total.
Sales of college textbooks to full-time or part-time students enrolled at
Line 8 Enter total deductions. See Deductions at right.
institutions of higher education and private occupational schools, with
Line 9 Subtract Line 8 from Line 7. Enter the difference.
presentation of valid student identification cards. This exemption applies
Line 10 Multiply amount entered on Line 9 by 6% (.06).
only to new and used books and related workbooks required or
recommended for courses.
OS-114 Schedule CT (Back) (Rev. 09/07) NYS ST-100.11/ST-810.11


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