Rev 08 10
2010 Alternative Fuel Credit
15-30-2320, MCA
Name (as it appears on your tax return) __________________________________________
Your Social Security Number or Federal Employer Identifi cation Number
If this credit is passed through to you from a partnership or S corporation, enter the entity’s name, FEIN and the
percentage used to report the corporation’s or partnership’s income or loss for Montana income tax purposes.
Name ___________________________________ FEIN _________________________ Percentage _______ %
Complete a separate Montana Form AFCR for each vehicle that you converted.
Year and make of vehicle: ________________________Date conversion completed: ______________
Alternative fuel type: ________________________
Gross vehicle weight: ______________
1. Enter your equipment and labor costs of the conversion here ........................................................... 1. _____________
2. Multiply the amount on line 1 by 50% (0.50) and enter the result here .............................................. 2. _____________
3. If your gross vehicle weight is 10,000 pounds or less, enter $500 here;
If your gross vehicle weight is more than 10,000 pounds enter $1,000 here ..................................... 3. _____________
4. Enter the smaller of line 2 or line 3. This is your allowable alternative fuel credit for this
vehicle ............................................................................................................................................... 4. _____________
5. Add the amount on line 4 for each Form AFCR that you submit and enter the result here. This is
your total alternative fuel credit. .................................................................................................... 5. _____________
Enter the amount from line 5 above on your appropriate tax return:
Form 2, Schedule V
Form CLT-4S, Schedule II
Form CLT-4, Schedule C
Form PR-1, Schedule II
General Instructions
When the conversion is made by your S corporation
or partnership, remember to complete the information
Defi nitions
above that identifi es the entity’s name, federal employer
“Alternative Fuel” means natural gas, liquefi ed petroleum
identifi cation number and your percentage.
gas, liquefi ed natural gas, hydrogen, electricity or any other
If the credit exceeds my tax liability, can I carry any
fuel if at least 85% (0.85) of the fuel is methanol, ethanol or
excess credit to another tax year?
other alcohol, ether, or any combination of these.
No, you cannot. Your credit can only be claimed in the year
Who can claim this credit?
the conversion is made and cannot exceed your tax liability.
An individual, corporation, or partnership that converts
What information do I have to include with my tax
a vehicle that is licensed in Montana, from operating on
return when I claim this credit?
gasoline to operating on an alternative fuel is entitled to the
Individuals and C corporations fi ling paper returns must
attach completed Form AFCR. S corporations and
How do I claim my credit when I am a partner or
partnerships fi ling paper information returns must, in
shareholder in a partnership or S corporation that
addition to attaching completed Form AFCR, include
converted the vehicle?
a separate statement identifying each owner and their
Your partnership or S corporation will report the credit on its
proportionate share.
informational return and provide you with your share of the
Questions? Please call us toll free at (866) 859-2254 (in
credit on a Montana Schedule K-1.
Helena, 444-6900).
Your share is based on the same proportion used by you to
report your income and loss from the entity for Montana tax
When you fi le your Montana income tax return electronically, you represent that you have retained all documents required as a tax record and that you
will provide a copy to the department upon request. If you fi le electronically, you do not need to mail this form to us unless we contact you for a copy.