Enrollment Form - Googols Of Learning Child Development Center Page 2

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Complete Enrollment Form - Googols Of Learning Child Development Center with your personal data - all interactive fields are highlighted in places where you should type, access drop-down lists or select multiple-choice options.

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Please list any allergies that your child has:
Please list any special toys or items your child uses for comfort:
What have you found to be the most effective ways to soothe your child’s crying?
What are your child’s usual naptimes, and how long do they usually last?
Does your child regularly take any medications? ____________ If so, please describe: (medication forms must
be on file__________________________________________________________________________________
In what ways has your child been exposed to other children?
__________ church nursery
__________ other childcare setting
_________ cousins/relatives
Name and Location of previous school or childcare center__________________________________________
Describe your child’s overall health: ________________________________________________________
Hospital you would want your child transported to in case of an emergency _____________________________
Primary Health Insurance Carrier _______________Group/Policy # ___________________________________
Names of siblings and their ages:
If there is anything else you would like us to know, please write that information on the space provided or feel
free to schedule a time to discuss this information with our program director.
Days of the week and hours that your child will need care:
Enrollment will begin on: __________________________ Ended on: _________________________________
How did you hear about us? TV_____, Drove By_____, Friend_____, Facebook______, Phone Book______,
Print Ad_____, Web Directory, like Google or Yahoo_____, Other____________________________________
I attest my child will be at least 1 year old before starting his/her first day of enrolled care.
Parent’s Signature________________________________________ Date ________________________
Program Director’s Signature________________________________ Date ________________________
Googols of Learning enrolls children without regard to race, color, religion, sex, national origin or other protected areas.
Googols of Learning is an equal opportunity employer.


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