Enrollment Form - Googols Of Learning Child Development Center

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Googols of Learning Child Development Center
Enrollment Form
Child’s Full Name: _________________________________________Nickname if any: __________________
Date of Birth: _____________________
Home Address: ________________________________________________ Home Phone: _________________
Mother/Guardian’s Name: ___________________________________________ Cell Phone #______________
Mother/Guardian’s work: ___________________________________________ Work number: _____________
Father/Guardian’s Name: ____________________________________________ Cell Phone # _____________
Father/Guardian’s work: ____________________________________________ Work number: ____________
Mother/Father/Guardian email:________________________________________
Mother’s Driver’s License #_____________________ Father’s Driver’s License #_______________________
Are parents Single, Married, Divorced, Separated? Do both parents live in the home?_____________________
If you are divorced please describe the custody and visitation agreement for your child(ren). You may attach
another sheet of paper if needed or a copy of court documents.
Child’s Physician: ________________________ Phone and address: _________________________________
Child’s Dentist ___________________________ Phone and address: ________________________________
People that Googols of Learning can contact if you cannot be reached in an emergency:
Phone __________________ Relationship _______________
Phone __________________ Relationship _______________
Phone __________________ Relationship _______________
People that Googols of Learning can release your child to in the event that you cannot pick them up.
NOTE: It is assumed that the emergency contacts above are also acceptable for pickup.
Phone _________________ Relationship ________________
Phone _________________ Relationship ________________
Phone _________________ Relationship ________________


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