Form 5041 - Articles Of Amendment For A Limited Liability Company - Wisconsin Department Of Financial Institutions Page 2

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ARTICLES OF AMENDMENT – Limited Liability Company
▲ Enter your return address within the bracket above.
Phone number during the day: (
) ______ - ___________________
INSTRUCTIONS (Ref. sec. 183.0203 Wis. Stats. for document content)
Submit one original and one exact copy along with the required filing fee of $40.00 to the address
listed below. Make checks payable to the “Department of Financial Institutions”. Filing fee is non-
refundable. Sign the document manually or otherwise allowed under sec. 183.0107(1g)(c).
Mailing Address:
Phone: 608-261-7577
Department of Financial Institutions
Physical Address for Express Mail:
Department of Financial Institutions
FAX: 608-267-6813
Division of Corporate & Consumer
Division of Corporate & Consumer Services
TTY: 608-266-8818
201 W. Washington Ave – Suite 300
P O Box 7846
Madison WI 53703
Madison WI 53707-7846
NOTICE: This form may be used to accomplish a filing required or permitted by statute to be made with the
department. Information requested may be used for secondary purposes. This document can be made available in
alternate formats upon request to qualifying individuals with disabilities.
A. State the name of the limited liability company (before any change effected by this amendment) and
the text of the amendment(s). The text should recite the resolution adopted (e.g., “Resolved, that
Article 1 of the articles of organization be amended to read: . . . . . . (enter the amended article).
An amendment may change only those provisions that are required under sec. 183.0202, Wis. Stats., to be
included in articles of organization except the name and address of each person organizing the limited liability
company. If the amendment changes the name of the limited liability company, the new name must contain the
words “limited liability company”, or “limited liability co.” or end with the abbreviation “L.L.C.” or “LLC”.
B. This statement is required by sec. 183.0203(2)(c).
C. Enter the date of execution and the name and title of the person signing the document. The document must be
signed by one of the following: A member of the limited liability company, if management is vested in the
members, or a manager if management is vested in one or more managers. Select and mark (X) the appropriate
choice in item C.
If the document is executed in Wisconsin, sec. 182.01(3) provides that it shall not be filed unless the name of the
person (individual) who drafted it is printed, typewritten or stamped thereon in a legible manner.
If the document is not executed in Wisconsin, enter that remark.


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