Form 1027 (Formerly L-4421) - Annual Report For Car Loaning, Stock Car, Refrigerator And Fast Freight Line Companies And Other Car Companies - 2001 Page 2

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Complete Form 1027 (Formerly L-4421) - Annual Report For Car Loaning, Stock Car, Refrigerator And Fast Freight Line Companies And Other Car Companies - 2001 with your personal data - all interactive fields are highlighted in places where you should type, access drop-down lists or select multiple-choice options.

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1. Give the exact name of respondent:
2a. Address
(Street and Number, City, State, ZIP)
b. E-mail address
3. Give name, title and address of person to whom correspondence concerning this report should be sent:
Fax No.
Phone No.
4. Name and address of registered agent in Michigan:
5. State if individual owner, partnership, corporation, association, etc.
6. Provide the respondent's Federal Employer ID Number (FEIN) _______________________________________
7. If a partnership, state the names and addresses of each partner, including silent or limited, and their interests:
8. Names and Titles of principle officers:
9. If the respondent was formed as a result of consolidations or merger during the year, name all constituent companies,
and give specific reference to charters or general laws governing such organization, and date of consummation:


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