Early Childhood Program Participation, From The National Household Education Surveys Program Of 2012 - U.s. Department Of Education Page 9


List of Tables
Percentage of children from birth through age 5 and not yet in kindergarten
participating in various weekly nonparental care arrangements, by child and family
characteristics: 2012 ..............................................................................................................5
Percentage of children from birth through age 5 and not yet in kindergarten receiving
weekly care from a relative, by type of relative and child and family characteristics:
2012 .......................................................................................................................................7
Mean length of time (in months) that children from birth through age 5 and not yet in
kindergarten have been in current primary care arrangements with relative,
nonrelative, or center-based provider, by child and family characteristics: 2012 .................9
Mean per child hourly out-of-pocket expense paid for families with any out-of-pocket
expense for child care for children from birth through age 5 and not yet in kindergarten
for weekly nonparental primary care arrangements, by child and family characteristics:
2012 .....................................................................................................................................11
Percentage of children from birth through age 5 and not yet in kindergarten enrolled in
a weekly primary center-based program at a specified location, by child and family
characteristics: 2012 ............................................................................................................13
Percentage of children from birth through age 5 and not yet in kindergarten whose
parents had tried to find care and who rated various factors used to select weekly care
arrangement for children as “very important,” by child and family characteristics:
2012 .....................................................................................................................................15
Percentage of children from age 3 through age 5 and not yet in kindergarten whose
parents reported participating in home activities with child in the past week, by type of
involvement and child and family characteristics: 2012 .....................................................17
Poverty definition for Early Childhood Program Participation (ECPP) analyses, by
household size: 2012 ...........................................................................................................30
Appendix Table
Standard errors for table 1: Percentage of children from birth through age 5 and not yet
in kindergarten participating in various weekly nonparental care arrangements, by
child and family characteristics: 2012 .................................................................................36
Standard errors for table 2: Percentage of children from birth through age 5 and not yet
in kindergarten receiving weekly care from a relative, by type of relative and child and
family characteristics: 2012.................................................................................................38
Standard errors for table 3: Mean length of time (in months) that children from birth
through age 5 and not yet in kindergarten have been in current primary care


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