Early Childhood Program Participation, From The National Household Education Surveys Program Of 2012 - U.s. Department Of Education Page 38


The values for CENREG are as follows:
1 = Northeast
2 = South
3 = Midwest
4 = West
Family Characteristics
Family type: Family type is derived from PAR1TYPE and PAR2TYPE. These two derived
variables on the data file indicate whether the parents identified in the "Parent 1" and “Parent 2”
sections of the questionnaire are birth or adoptive parents, step or foster parents, grandmothers or
another type of female guardian, or grandfathers or another type of male guardian.
The values for Family type are as follows:
1 = Two parents or guardians
2 = One parent or guardian
The code used to produce family type is as follows:
If PAR1TYPE in (1,2,3,4,5,6) and PAR2TYPE in (1,2,3,4,5,6) then family = 1;
Else family = 2;
English spoken at home by parents/guardians: LANGUAGEX indicates the knowledge
and/or use of English by the parent(s)/guardian(s) in the household. LANGUAGEX is used in
this report in the same format in which it appears on the data file and is created using the
The values for LANGUAGEX follow:
1 = Both/only parent(s) learned English first or currently speak(s) English in the home
2 = One of two parents learned English first or currently speaks English in the home
3 = No parent learned English first and both/only parent(s) currently speak(s) a non-English
language in the home
Highest education level of parents/guardians: PARGRADEX indicates the highest level of
education for either of the child’s parents or nonparent guardians who reside in the household. It
is derived from PAR1EDUC and PAR2EDUC, which are other derived variables.
The values for PARGRADEX are as follows:
1 = Less than high school credential
2 = High school graduate or the equivalent
3 = Vocational/technical education after high school or some college
4 = College graduate
5 = Graduate or professional school


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