Form 50-254 - Appraisal District Report Of Property Value - 2015 Page 2

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P r o p e r t y T a x
A p p r a i s a l D i s t r i c t R e p o r t o f P r o p e r t y V a l u e • 2 0 1 5 S h o r t F o r m
Form 50-254
Please provide jurisdiction names, jurisdiction number, effective tax rate, rollback tax rate, adopted tax
rates, and total taxes levied in 2015 for each special taxing unit. Adopted total tax rate is the sum of the
maintenance and operations tax rate (M&O) plus interest and sinking fund tax rate (I&S).
The person authorized to complete this form should sign it and include title, phone number, e-mail
address and date signed. Please return the form to the address shown on the first page.
If you need help completing this form, call the Data Security and Analysis Team at 1-800-252-9121
(press 2 to access the menu, then press 2).
We will be happy to assist you.
For more information, visit our website:
Page 2 •
50-254 • 05-15/22


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